When to seperate a male

I have a few autos going that are day 18 and some have shown sex. I have a male that i’d like to collect pollen from. When should i remove him from the tent to collect pollen before he pollinates my females? This is the only tent i have going, so should i grow him out another week or so and clip a branch and place in vase with water to collect pollen? This is my first attemp so any tips appreciated.


“When to seperate a male”

This one got separated after 14 years of marriage.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: couldnt resist…

Sorry got no experience with breeding, but hoping to, so watching this thread.


For indoor grows, I just move the males out of the tent and put them under a 12/12 fluorescent to keep them alive while they drop pollen. This has worked great in the past.

For outdoor plants that are planted in the ground, cutting a few branches from males and keeping them in water works as well. You just don’t want to cut them too early because they might die before they can drop pollen.


Hard to say exactly when, but from when you see the balls forming until they’re dumping pollen happens pretty quickly. Personally I’d take it out ASAP, chuck it under a LED bulb or even a windowsill and let him rip.


Ill do that ill get a clamp cfl and throw him in a closet.


“NOW”… No need to ruin a beautiful garden with a bunch of seeds~ :wink:

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Before it is too late … :see_no_evil:


Ill hook you up with a nice gal… :laughing: