How to Get the Best Yield in a Small Grow Space ?

Hi Everyone,

I am new to growing and have a small space to work with. I need some advice on how to get the best yield. Here are some points I m thinking about:

  • Training Plants: I’ve heard about LST (Low-Stress Training) and ScrOG (Screen of Green). Which one works better in small spaces?

  • Lights: I have a 300W LED light. Is this enough, or should I get a better one?

  • Nutrients: What’s the best way to use nutrients to get bigger yields in a small area?

  • Airflow: How important is good airflow in a small grow space? Any tips on how to keep the air moving?

  • Choosing Strains: Are there any strains that do well in small spaces and give good yields?

I’d love to hear any advice from experienced growers who have dealt with small grow areas.

I have searched for this query over the internet and got this: and I went through this it covers helpful information but I want more sggestions for this.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.



grow lots of plants


Remove growth on the lower parts of the plant. Concentrate on the upper parts of the plant to produce bigger buds. Bare stems below 12"-15" on the plants will prevent growing lots of small airy buds.


How big is your space?


Get your ventilation system right and the rest is up to you


The most important factors are:

Plant count
Solid watering schedule - no miss
Solid temps/RH - 27-29c / 60 RH
And a good set of the proper genetics will help indeed.


Train your plants to fill every inch of the grow space
Lollipop your plants and have a fan above the canopy pointed down and one under the canopy pointed up.
You are going to have to experiment with nutes different strains have different needs. Keep a log of how each plant reacts.


Have a look at some grow logs here, like Calle’s one. There’s several around here.


Pinch a 3 node

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Million dollar question for hobby growers.
If u happy pulling 300w, compare it to xs2500 pro par readings. Thats 250w…
For no co2 or low co2 house farts (500+ usually enclosed) the answer imo:

  1. SoG if clones n seeds are plenty.
  2. 700-1000 par at top of tips evenly distributed (bar ights).
  3. VPD
  4. Air flow where leaves time to time move a bit from breeze. Oscillating fan…more in flower.
  5. Exhaust
  6. The most important
    A highly oxygenated media with quickly available micro and range of macro nutrs plus pgprs from aminos and “exotic” additives that have sar inducers, immune boosters, immune triggers etc.
  7. Occasional foliar of safe pgrs.
    Feed is for you to research and dial in. I went and stayed with megacrop, and dr earth. Cant go wrong.
    Don’t starve your plant in flower week 8 or not, i cant speak for pure hydro.
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This is true, and that’s why i have stopped doing it as much as i used to.
With one week extra or allowing to full up but some extra stretch with good mylar and high par on tops and a good strain those airy buds can turn into a ton of yummy dense little nugs or just strip it and you got a ton of kief at least. You may feed more but it doesnt rob any tops of anything.

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The way you choose the right strains to fill your space is by popping a bunch of seeds and growing them all out. In early flower, you should observe which phenos fill your space easily. Take clones of these and don’t grow the others a second time. This way you eliminate the runts or those with undesirable structure and growth, making way for the more vigorous plants that create the canopy you desire. Of course if you are growing head stash then maybe you need the right combo of smoke variety and filling the canopy 70-80% is good enough.


I really like growing in coco. Compared to my grows in soil I’ve been able to get much higher yields in a smaller space with smaller pots. I guess it all depends on what kind of yield you’re looking for I grow for my own medical needs and average between 24-32oz in a 4x4 with 650w led. everything mentioned by people above is true but IMO the biggest difference I noticed in my yields was when I starting growing in coco.


Well said. And to my mind probably the best advice if yield is priority. Clones of known size.


Hi @PsillyRabbit
Thank for the suggestion.

Hello @buzzmobile,
Thank for the response, I think it will work.

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Thanks for the suggestion.

Thank you @Ohiograssman for your response and sharing this suggestion. I think it can help maximize grow space and airflow.

Hey @funkyfunk
Thanks for your time. I went through this thread, It has helpful information.

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Hi @MikeyMeteor
Thanks for the kind information that you shared, I think this procedure will work best for me because growing the right phenos fill my space perfectly and from this method I can easily choose the right phenos.