How to infuse coffee beans with cannabis

Pretty much, I just add tincture to my coffee and cream (works better if you have some cream in there IME).



I like your idea :bulb: and implementation here.

I have some rum soaked coffee beans here done in the same way, but unfortunately it only slightly tastes like rum/coffee and zero effects.

I can only assume cannabis infused coffee beans would give similar effects if any that are noticeable.

I believe you would have much better results infusing your creamer if you use any?

Creamer 18% + would have a good amount of fats to get the Cannabis goodness to bind together :heart: and providing you with some decent effects. :ok_hand: the reason being is that creamer has fat for it to combine with… If you take creamer 18+ and mix it or shake it for 5 mins, you will get butter.

Here is a guide I found with a quick Google search How to Infuse Cannabis Milk or Cream » Emily Kyle Nutrition

Either way, I’ll follow along here and see how things turn out. Maybe you will discover something awesome :ok_hand:


I just infused coffee grounds. The taste of the coffee is a bit weak, so we decided to infuse the coffee and make it high potency, then add say one scoop of medicated to the non infused coffee for a cup. We could not taste the oil, made an 800mg cup! lol so you could use a scoop of this with your regular coffee and should come out with a good coffee taste along with the medicine. Infused it just like we do sugar.


Oh may I bring some infused sugar, for those that indulge sugar in coffee.

It does a body good!!


Jarred up and ready to go :slight_smile:

Pssst you are honestly better off doing that on a double boiler with a vent, I blew up my oven doing it that way!


Did you just use tincture and let it evaporate out?

Yes you make it with tincture, I would suggest the freezer method to keep the green out. You can let it air dry, to expedite it, use a double boiler under a vent, stir and scrap the sides and bottom to allow the oil to incorporate into the sugar, you will know when it is done, turns back to a dry sugar.

I make cannabis oil, so I use it dissolved in alcohol, that allows me to know how many mg per serving.

Welcome to OG :slight_smile:


Well boiling water is 212 so your get at least a little decarb, say, mixing some hash in.