Bhang Lassi the lazy way

So I love edibles and after reading about bhang lassi (which originates from India) many times over many years I decided to try and make it a few years back. I started with a legit old school recipe I found which called for toasted seeds, nuts and spices. So I made it all from scratch and it was delicious but very time consuming so over time I developed a much easier way to make this delicious infused beverage. So I generally try to make mine about 1 g of flower per fl oz of finished drink. I take my flower(unground whole buds or time) and put it in a pot with a couple cups of water. Bring to a boil and turn down temp to simmer for 15 mins. While simmering take 3-4 tablespoons of milk(higher fat is best) and warm it up in the microwave. Strain your flower from the water, discard the water and put flower into a mortar and pestle with the milk you warmed up. Crush and work your flower in the warm milk, I usually do so for 5-10 mins. Afterwards strain flower from milk and squeeze out all the milk from the flower and set milk aside, discard the flower now. Add Chai teabag (I normally use a spiced chai as it is close to the original spice mixture called for in the original recipe that I found) and let steep 5 mins. Squeeze milk from teabag and throw out tea bag. Add vanilla extract to taste. Add something to sweeten(I like to use coconut cream but you could use honey or agave) and add milk to bring total amount to 1 cup(so flower amount for my recipe at my desired strength would be about 8 grams as 1 cup is 8 fl oz). I like to use a mixture of almond or oat milk with the cows milk to get to my total amount, I enjoy it better than 100% cow’s milk. Store in a closed container in fridge and serve in 1 oz pours. Traditionally this is drank by the cup full, but I originally made this for a party and 1 oz shots were convenient so I’ve stuck with it. Plus it is easy to dose this way. I hope y’all enjoy, I made a batch today and it is delicious as well as nicely stony :v: :seedling: :green_heart:


Great post, thanks for sharing. Do you ever decarboxylize the weed before you make it?


I’m gonna make this for my wife :crazy_face: see how it goes


I don’t just cause the original recipe didn’t call for it, it will partially decarb in the simmering water for 15-20 mins. I have thought about a full decarb but it would totally dry out your material and create need for better straining as working the flower in the warm milk would cause it to break up into tiny pieces. Unless you just did a 45 min traditional decarb(I do mine in a jar in the oven to keep smell down) and then simmer for 15-20 to remoisten material before working it in the mortar and pestle :thinking: I may have to give that a go next time and report back the difference in effect and flavor


Awesome post! Had a bhang lassi years and years ago backpacking in Jaisalmer, India. Fucked me up in a different kinda way from edibles. Ended up getting lost trying to find our room after drinking it, and was so flustered once we did make it back that I couldn’t get the door unlocked lol. This is the exact spot, with us returning the following day to ask wtf they put in it haha.


That is funny. Probably the type of flower they used in it. I use the same flower that I make my coconut oil for cooking with so that may be why it satisfy’s that for me. I just really enjoy eating my meds cause it lasts so much longer. I forget to smoke all day sometimes :smiley:


What kinda stone are you getting off of 1 oz shots? I’m curious about this tea I’ve ordered some chia tea bags :wink: @MWgrower
What’s the taste like?

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My edible tolerance is crazy high right now so the effect isn’t as spectacular as it might be with others. But I used my DarkStar trim so it’s a nice body buzz, relaxing, sleepy/heavy eyes. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely feel it but I’m just saying a g/oz even not fully decarbed may be a bit much for some others

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Well I’m making this for my wife and her tolerance is insane… I used to make canna capsules for her. She took 9 at once 4hrs later said nothing happened. I took 1 from the same batch and spent 2 days hugging the toilet… I haven’t made them since lol

She wants an edible that works for her & doesn’t actually taste horrible or like weed, ugh that last part is the hard part.


The simmering of the plant material in water first takes away all of the green/chlorophyll taste as well as the peppery burn it would have (kind of like RSO has). You can always adjust the amount of flower as needed, I think it’s a decent starting point. Or try a full decarb first before simmering in water to get the most out of the flower used


@MWgrower I made it…

7 grams of Purple Punch ( in water, bring to boil & then simmer on low for 15min ) Dicarded water and added flower to milk…

1/2 Cup of Cow Milk (warmed up, now with flower in it, mash flower into milk for 15min )
Strain flower from milk and squeeze flower till dry.

2 Chai Tea Bags steeped in 1/2 cup in water, bring to boil & then simmer on low for 15min,

1 Tablespoon Vanilla flavored coffee creamer
1 Teaspoon of Honey :honey_pot:

Finished product = 1 cup

Made 2 batches actually, one with Cannabis & one without, so I can taste the difference :yum:
Ps. The Non Cannabis one was YUMMY.
The Cannabis infused one is cooling in fridge.

Questions @MWgrower

The boiled water+ Cannabis, the water I discarded looked dark ( kinda felt like I was tossing something good out ) ?

The milk didn’t look terrible dark, more like Almond milk color , I used 1% cow milk.

Have you tried soft boiling/Simmering the Cannabis directly into the milk, no water bath at all? And the results?


I’d normally only use 1 tea bag for this amount but I happened to use 2 because 1 was a vanilla chai and I wanted to see what flavor it brought. But it did make for a totally cannabis-less tasting batch. Really more like a chai latte though😄 and btw this is actually traditionally made with a yogurt-y kefir like drink, not cows milk. So that my adaptation too


I have, but would rather not boil any more after the water. But I suppose if you did it after simmering in water the degradation wouldn’t be any worse than if you decarbed the flower before this process. When I did it I boiled direct into milk and the green chlorophyll taste was too much for me along with that peppery aspect I mentioned before being real strong. Where people took a shot and some who didn’t expect it coughed afterwards


Aww OK. I don’t Want that lol Tryin to mask the Cannabis flavor as much as possible :yum: I personally wouldn’t care, my wife will care alot.

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Sounds like a great combo, I love the flavor of Chia teas

You could always save the water you simmered your flower in for cannabis tea if you really want. But as long as you stirred gently there theoretically the resin glands should stay on your material and out of the water. If the water was cold you’d risk breaking them off a lot more than in warm/ hot water


Very good to know. I’m sure the 2nd time I make this I’ll be better at it. :wink:

I’m hopeful the potency is there in the milk still, although it did go from platinum white to Almond color lol

Hows the onset time for you? Same as most edibles around 1 to 2hrs kick in time. Maybe even eat something with fat in it, like yogurt, or use fatty milk like coconut milk.


Wellllll did it work !? :crazy_face:

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The Wife hasn’t tryed it yet. It’s chilling in the fridge.

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Waiting intently