How & When did YOU start growing cannabis

Very first plants I ever grew, winter of 2000 (freshman year high school) I decided it would be fun to plant a few of the seeds I found in a bag. No equipment, bottle of liquid fertilizer and bags of MG soil. I had a 36” two bulb shop light, and a clamp lamp with incandescent bulb. Well I had a small plant under the incandescent “indoor house plant” bulbs and what ended up being a roughly 5’ male under the shop light :sweat_smile::joy:. No yield or quality to speak of from the little female.

Fast forward to 2004, I got a cutting off a friends bag seed plant, he grew it for shits n giggles. It was female though. I took that one cutting, rooted it, and built a veg cab out of a Rubbermaid tote, slight sockets, cfl bulbs, and computer fans. Then I moved my PC tower out of the cabinet in the desk, took out the shelf, and installed a bathroom vanity light that held 4 cfl for bloom. Installed a back wall to the desk and put in fans. I followed the bonsai mother technique, took clones and started a perpetual SOG from the tub, to the cab. That lasted for 3-4 years.
Then I just got started up again July 2020, now legal and with more space in a 2in1 grow tent, but still stuck in my ways with the bathroom vanity lights, only they’re now sporting LEDs, and some uvb cfls just because.


I have a few Casey Jones seeds, if you’re interested also have some pollen as well. The pollen might still be a little viable. But the beans are F2 from 3 original old ass Casey Jones beans. Lmk @thenasty1

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I grew my first plants in 1985. Not sure where the seed came from but I’m pretty sure it would have been mexican brick weed we thought was pretty good. My dad had a bulldozer do some field work and they had pushed a 6 foot high levy to direct the runoff. Well it was all top soil and my cousin and me had six females. I remember they all grew about 8 foot tall and looked like Christmas trees… looking back now they looked like indicas. There was really no information about growing weed back in those days, I don’t know if we fertilized or not, it was good soil but we where around gardeners and farmers so we had a little knowledge of growing. We did get descent buds but I’m sure they weren’t close to finished but we did have the best shit around for a while. The plants I have going now will be my 37th outdoor grow…I never missed a year. I’ve also been growing indoors for 12. Things sure have changed


I started smoking weed as a teen.
Discovered that co-op buys with friends and breaking down QPs made weed free / profitable.

Met “The Old Hippy” & his Wife in Arcata — This set up the beginnings of my grower’s education.
My roomie & I began running a few pounds a month from NorCal to the SFV. – We were VERY popular bringing Skunk & NL to a land of Mexi-brick weed. (ahhhhh the '80s…)
The Old Hippy showed us the basics, had us crop-sitting a couple times, leafing & trimming for them etc.
But I was convinced that I couldn’t grow.

My career began — 10 year break from weed. I still thought I had a brown thumb — killed many houseplants.

’00s to now.
Began smoking weed again (drinking too - but that’s a dark path for another day…).
Fast-Forward to 2019

Hanging out with my best friend, admiring his grow when he asks, “You ever try growing your own?”
I left his house with a gram jar filled with seeds, half a bag of FFOF, a burple and instructions on building a grow-cabinet.
I followed instructions, and ended up with 2.5oz of weed that was better the local dispensaries!

So I bought a 4x4 tent - and a bunch of other stuff - and grew (wait for it…) about a pound!
Then another!
Then another!

That brings us up to my current - 4th - grow.
I’ve gone from one burple in an apple crate to a 4x8 and an assortment of lights, fans & other stuff that makes my Wife give me “that” look.

I’m clearly diving head first down the rabbit hole of growing;
My 5th grow is going to start vegging in the old 4x4, and yet another tent might find it’s way into another room for a seed run…


that would be truly epic. im on the move right now but i will pm you later about this. good looking out

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around 2008. Accidentally had a seed from some bud end up in a pot on my back deck, and it started to grow. It didn’t even sprout til august and basically just grew one little bud about 6" tall. It stunk to high heaven and I could smell it a block from my house! The next grow was in a rubbermaid tote with a few CFLs and PC fans. Both of those grows were trash since i harvested early. Didn’t come back to growing until 2014 when I decided to start growing in a cabinet with CFLs again. Soon switched to screw-in LEDs and that just opened the flood gates. Been growing in cabinets to varying capacities for the last 6 years.

I really think the nano grow is the future for home cultivation. I think a lot of people would be surprised to know that they actually do have space to grow their own bud.


Space should not be an issue.
My first grow was a micro-enclosure:

1 - Apple crate from the garage - appx 24 x 18 x 36.
2 - Wrap tinfoil around sheets of cardboard - tape to the interior of the crate until light-tight — HOW did I not start a fire??? Don’t do this!! :crazy_face:
3 - A burple with sparkly and blinking diodes that a friend gave me.
4 - 1 gallon of soil / sludge from an aloe plant.
5 - Screwed with the plants more than anyone ever should.

3.5 months later I harvested about 2 oz from 4 tiny little plants!

Easily the most satisfying 2 oz I’ve ever smoked - the hook was set!


I helped a friend trim 5 lbs of pine weed grown outdoors in Texas in 1985.
Made me think about growing my own. I tried florescent lights on bag seed first about 1989. Kinda larfy but free and clean weed.Then I got a Phototron and Dutch seeds . Still florescent but man it was good and frosty popcorn nugs. Got real serious on growing in 2001 after 9/11 when I bought HPS light. Sure beat most Mexican brick weed going at the time. Did a little outdoor grow but that got tricky in Prohibition land.


First time was back in the early '70’s at one point got busted by fam with over 100 plants (seedlings) in trays ready for spots. Had 4 trays of 28 ea up and 3 more planted. Tried several more times and then just too many obstacles till 40 years later and living in a legal state.

Fam had a small greenhouse/nursery and I had already been helping out in it for about a decade. When first attempted. They thought a lovely plant and grew one out so everyone could recognise it going forward :frowning: but were rather unhappy with self.


Umm 2005 ish.

400w hps in my parents crawl space. 3 ft of height in a homemade air cooled “hood” - really top section of a homemade cab that was sealed with glass. Ton of pc fans I got cheap for ventilation.

Was kind of wild lol.


I only started a few years ago. 2016. I ordered a tent from LA garden and they sent me 2 of everything on accident lmao.
I got a random bagseed from some good smoke I had and figured why not. Started under CFL then went to a meizhi 450 in a 2x2. 3 gallon smart pot. I started in fox farms ocean forest and burnt it as a seedling. Found nectar for the gods and went from there. I was on grass city at the time to learn but found the place toxic after a while.
I pulled around 5 oz dry off that plant. The colas were SO DENSE and it went for like 12 weeks. Had I been more experienced I’d still have that strain around


My very first cannabis plant was found growing from a crack between the asphalt of the street and the concrete of the curb and gutter when I was about 12 years old. The asphalt was crumbling so I pulled some pieces out so I could uproot the plant without damaging roots too much. A buddy lived a block away and I brought it to his house, potted it and put it up in the playground in his backyard where it would get light but mostly be out of sight. I top dressed with whatever I had at the house to feed it(I’ve been growing flowers/veggies and herbs since I could walk if you’re wondering how I knew to care for the plant). It stayed fairly healthy and started flowering, we were both stoked. But he tended to have people over partying a lot and it was only a matter of time til someone noticed what was growing in the playground. Needless to say it was ripped off before it was finished, not that I would have had any idea when to actually harvest it anyway😄Fast forward to about ‘09, an ex-military uncle who struggled with severe PTSD asked if I had any seeds. My response was, my weed doesn’t have seeds in it😆 He found some seeds thru a buddy and started growing indoors and out. I picked up some of the finer points of cannabis cultivation and started reading anything and everything that I could on the subject. We made seeds and I got a few seeds from my uncle and some seeds and a couple cuts from somebody I met on a G+ grow forum and set up space for a couple plants indoors. I ran a couple indoors and a bunch outdoors, probably 20 plants in that first run of like 6 different strains. I grew using synthetics the first 3 years, then switched to organics. Now I’m hopelessly hooked on growing, it’s like distilling in that the hobby becomes an obsession that you’ll never get out of your blood no matter how long of a break you make take from actively participating

  1. I know, I know I was probably growing my first plant before most of you were born.

Except for @OleReynard :grinning:


I tried a couple of times outside 20 or more years ago.
Never really made anything . Tried hydro around that time but killed them fast. I didnt even have a light that was good enough and definitely didnt have the information you can get now ( pre internet)
I got serious about it October last year


I starter growing 100% from knowing zero…

My wife developed chronic health issues
(Endometriosis, Cronic Pain Syndrome & IBS) she was put on opioids (Doc prescription) for years, BUT it was not helping, she only kept having to increase the doses to get relieve…

News kept reporting deaths due to the same meds, Opioids… So, she got her Cannabis Medical card & we started buying “government weed” from several companies… Spent 1000s of $$ on meds searching for something useful.

She found a good strain that seemed to help alot, she reduced her pills and all was good, Extremely costly, but it was helping, UNTILL she got a “Bad batch” of herbs from a company called Tweed…

She had an allergic reaction and 80% of her body was covered in a horrible rash, was in the hospital for several days… Was super scary…

The best I can found out is that Tweed didn’t “Flush” the chemicals used in growing on this batch… The best Tweed could do is give a refund, but who cares about the customers health tho, but you can have your $$ back, but please don’t sue…

I KNEW it was time to “Man up” and grow my own herbs… Started small, made many mistakes, was on a handful of fourms & Eventually learned the right & wrong ways to grow Medical Cannabis… I grown in full Hydro setups, tons of bottled nutes, Flood tables & Hempys, Eventually learning how powerful Organic growing is and that what I’ll stick with now.

I’m grateful for EVERYONE who has helped me, help my wife along the way… GOD BLESS YOU ALL…

Wife’s health issues are not going away ever, However Organic grown Cannabis helps a considerable amount. Atleast we know exactly what’s inside the meds & feel safe consuming it.

No matter what, we are holding hands, walking into the darkness together… I’m determined to make my love smile and feel “normal” again.

Overgrow has been the BEST COMUNITY I’ve ever been apart of & I’m truly grateful :pray: for every single person here. I’m a lifer …


I love this story!

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I wish I didn’t have a story like this to tell Brother.

I tell ya what, Watching the love of your life suffering physically, mentally & emotionally right in front of you while your completely helpless to relieve any of it, even slightly is enough to make a grown man cry :cry:… All I could do through the years is let her know that I’m here to hold her hand & we are going to face the darkness together…

In the meantime I’m always, reading, learning, tryin, growing in search of that “unicorn strain” that’s gonna make things comfortable…


I cant imagine what you are going through.
Some people swear by the cbd strains.
Rso is doing some amazing things to.
I’ve never made any but heard its easy.


I’ve honestly made every consiveable thing already. CBD & THC strains. I’ve tried RSO, Oils, tintures, Distilant, Rosins, Shatter, Diamonds, Hash, Buds, Vapes & Mediables, cookies, cakes, ect and even Pills, like dry sift powders. I’ve made things too strong and I took 1 pill and lost 2 days of my life from being soooo stoned it was scary… Meanwhile my wife took 9 of the same pill at once and it didn’t really effect her …

Her tolerance is very high, Mine is pretty low :laughing:.
So far, strong indica or sativa seems to be alright.

Right now she’s trying out Sebrings body cream specially made at 3x the strength 3840mg of CBD…


I know we been at it for a while @Comacus
76-77 anyways