How & When did YOU start growing cannabis

I started to try seeds after a friend recommended me to do so. I fell in love with cloning and found it was a good idea


Ahhh, my first attempt ever was in high school. It would have been maybe ‘91 or ‘92. I bought a seedling tray with dome and some dirt. Had like 21 seedlings from bag seed. I then transplanted those in a wooded area nearby. When my mom found the EZ grow greenhouse wrapper, I was sunk. She made me promise to not go back to tend them and I complied. Fast forward a couple decades after life had steered me away from cannabis and I ordered some seeds online from an overseas bank. Northern lights fems. Grew one plant successfully with cheap garage reflectors and cfls in 2010. The smoke was excellent and I was hooked although I would only grow of off and on until about three years ago where I vowed to never buy again. Have done a crop a year since then. Really aiming for perpetual at this point.

Edit: My mom’s state went legal last year. I sent her seeds and helped her via facetime with issues as they popped up. She harvest three plants last summer and has them in jars for when I get down to visit. Ahh times they are a changin.


Back in 01 I bought my first bag of smoke and it had about a dozen seeds in it. I remember looking at them and immediately was drawn to them thinking if I plant these I will get what I am smoking and just couldn’t believe it.
I planted in the timber directly in the ground next to a deer trail. 2 came up reached about a foot tall and died. I used no nutes or anything. So after thinking and realizing plants need sun lol. I attempted it again in 02 but this time it was in the open but under a tree for protection because the risk of growing was very high. I again planted directly in the soil and wound up with one female using regular miracle grow it got about 4 ft. I remember it being mid September coming home to find my plant gone. My dad found it. I had no idea what to even say. So later on my dad said go get a big glass of water and come outside to talk to me. Long story short he said he was going to wait for me to pull it after I came home from school but didn’t because a plane had circled around it. We then broke the ice and had many adventures. With his help and discovering overgrow in 02 I think it was. The rest is history.


I used to add a little molasses but haven’t in a few years. I’m shooting for growing the soil so i need no amendments other than 2 or 3 inches of compost. My biggest concern so far are slugs and snails. Lost two babies so far. Forgot to spread snail bait a month before set plants out. I used rice straw for mulch and experiment with crushed egg shells hoping they stop or slow down snails. Didn’t put any on the lost babies so the jury is out on that one. One thing about rice straw, it takes a loooong time to break down. Thanks for the offer and good luck with your garden.

I started growing last year, but it wasn’t my first ever experience with a grow. When I was 18, well before I had started smoking, I lived with my brother and a couple of his friends. We were all 18-24 and everyone there but me smoked weed, and boy did they smoke a fuck ton of it, every day for about 3-5 hours after work. I’m sure after several thousands of dollars they decided to grow their own plant and spoiler warning: Didn’t work that great. I offered to help because I tended my moms plants growing up but their plan for growing this poor guy was doomed to fail. Took a seed, some dirt from the yard, ceramic pot, slapped that under a regular-ass desk lamp and wrapped the whole thing in a garbage bag for maximum heat and minimum light because they were under the impression that light leak was a thing from seedling, shoved it in a closet with no circulation and then they went and misted it with water every 15 minutes. So they just steam-cooked the poor thing before it was 6 inches tall.

Just to clarify, this was in like, 2003 or 2004, so the internet was very much a thing, they were just all a little bit stupid.


So my buddy I grow with that I’ve essentially taught what I’ve learned along the way (I’m much more into the perfecting everything aspect than he is) were talking about how far we’ve come, in a relatively short amount of time at that and how proud we were of ourselves for it.

So I wanted to see if anyone else wanted to take a humbling walk down memory lane to share their days of old, should make for quite a bit of fun if your journeys were anything like mine

A few were too large of megapixels? Haven’t gotten that one before, probably the dumb windows phone from back then. This is December 2018-February/March 2019 and my very first grow in my laundry room in a 2x4x5 (that I still use for veg right now) with 100w blurple King LEDs.

Like I said it’s CRAZY to see how far we’ve come, though my buddy also pointed out I’ve tried the better portion of growing methods in these two years both indoors and out lol so maybe I’m a bit competitive or am over achiever

And here’s now for comparison :grin:

Ok now YOUR turn


Little over a year ago I started with 4 100 watt blurples. Hanging in a daisy chained L shape suspended from the closet shelves. Tarp on the ground.

Walls starting getting wet so I bought a tent. Decided my lights sucked, bought stronger blurples.

Decided those still sucked and got a “QB” led light.

Eventually discovered proper exhaust is a necessity

So on and so forth lol.

Unfortunately I deleted all those pictures because I just had too damn many.


2002/2003 in a “stealth” c-22 cabinet from home depot with a 400w hps ballast and 400w MH conversion bulb. Dont rememeber what the T is but the SB bag is BOG Sour Bubble.

See @Mr.Sparkle, I used mechanical timers too at one point, I swear!!! :rofl: :rofl:


In 1999 found seeds in a bag of flower and decided “why not”. I traded out enough salvia divinorum cuttings to a head shop/alt garden store for a 1000w HPS and a 400w MH. I put the seeds in some soil in the basement and turned the light on.

No ventilation, no tent… just plants on a tarp and a light hanging from a hook in the ceiling and if I forgot to close the blinds then the basement glowed like in the movie “Saving Grace”.

I used Miracle grow and the plant did very well until I switched up the light to the HPS for flower… and then the plant stretched so hard and so fast that the main cola burned on the bulb. The surviving flower was airy as heck, and smoked horribly so we ended up making tea and cookies on occasion with the little flower that was worth keeping.

All in all it was a fun waste of time for an almost 20 year old as I was clueless; but those lessons learned early make doing this now so much more fun :smiley:

18 year old Pigeonman = Fucks up 1 plant.
40 year old Pigeonman = Maintains 29 plants of different strains all in various stages of veg/flower/seed indoors and outdoors spread across the property.



I had an unfair advantage when I started. I had some bag seed from the first strain I got when I decided to start smoking again called Choco-latte. I started a seedling under some shitty $20 blurple no name light from Amazon. Randomly we got a new guy at work at this time who was fresh back from being in Colorado for a few years and he just happened to ask my coworker/friend if he knew anyone who would buy grow equipment cheap. The timing was meant to be.

For $100 I got a 2x4 tent that I still use, a 10x10 I’ve never set up, a T5, 315 CMH, 1000W HPS I’ve never ran, timers, ratchet strap. nutes, and a cloning machine. I ended up tossing him more money after the fact but still I made out like a bandit. He was also around for most of the grow before heading back to CO so I had some guidance along the way.

I wish I had documented it better. This is the latest pic I took that wasn’t of single colas before harvest shots. It grew up into the lights and I ended up using the poles from the 10x10 and rigging up basically scaffolding around the plant, hung the CMH from a ceiling fan :laughing: That thing was an indoor tree.


Pulled a pound off it and was hooked on growing.


25 years ago my first grow was in a fireplace with a 125w cfl and homemade pop can reflector.

I grew a bagseed that was heavy sativa leaning. I had to train it to grow sideways because there was no vertical space. I named her Gomorrah.

I cropped. It was good. It smelled like black pepper.

I upgraded to a 250w hps in a 30”x30” pantry cupboard from ikea. Much better.

This doesn’t include a failed half assed outdoor attempt at cummer valley middle school :+1:


My first? LOL, one plant on my windowsill, in college (while living at home). I think I overwatered it, but it was looking like hell, and mom helped me re-pot my “japanese maple”. I’m sure she knew what it was in retrospect. LOL

I got busted growing in the house by my pops twice. First was in an “abandoned” window well (we had an addition put on, window was just boarded up. But the outside well was left there under the floor of the addition, only like 2’ x 3’ x 3’ tall. When dad busted me there I said I was growing japanese maples for mom /. aunt for Christmas. Dad’s reply? “Where the hell do you think I was born?” (uh. thats right, Colombia).

Got busted again like year or two later, in the house, by dad once again. This time I was in the attic. MUCH more advanced setup, I had like 4 mini chambers framed with 1x1s between rafters and joists, 70watt mercury vapor and fluorescent bulbs, cardboard walls. (remember, college budget). Was up there watering one day and dad came home SUPER early. I heard the car door close but couldn’t get downstairs fast enough.

Didn’t really pull any good smoke till I moved outdoors. That was 25+ yrs ago…

edit: I also remember gutting a Sunn Half Stack (amplifier speaker cabinet) and growing in there. I STILL have that half stack, it STILL has the tin foil inside. Stumbled across it a couple of months ago and went right down memory lane. LOL


My first grow was of some lowryder seeds I got from a member here on the original Overgrow. I had a square shelving unit and I broke 4 or five lamps to get the lights and cords. I grew them under cfls. The side of the shelving unit had tied black bags all around it with rocks to hold them down… I think I pulled a quarter oz lmfao. Good times.


First was bagseed about 1992-3. I did not see this through to completion but chucked seeds outside. First successful was under cfl’s many years later. Still as interested and even more so now under some hlg led’s and a couple of tents. Dreaming of a greenhouse in the not too distant future if things go right.


76or7 , my aunt gave me some started plants and I put them out on the edge of the city , they got ripped off , turns out a fella working in a grain elevator watched me walk back and forth to my spot all summer.


Maybe three years ago. I have a medical licence to grow and we were suppose to pick up seeds from a licenced source. Only found one that would sell to me,three seeds, none popped. Complained to them and they said they can not guarantee if I would get a female in the bunch. I said I couldn’t even find out if they were female, none sprouted. Bought some seeds from Just A Handful, Blurgberry CBd, I think, popped in 2-3 days. Got a Dinamed CBD seed from Seedman (yes one seed, I had no idea if I was going to get anything in the mail so it was a test run). With the price of the seed, the cost of the money order, shipping, it turned out to be a $75 seed. It popped in days. So much for buying from a licenced source. At least I had a receipt saying I did.

Had a 4’ grow light to start them, got a bunch of Bridgelux 3500 strips to start growing. Tried a bunch of different kinds of inexpensive lights, somehow latched onto household lights (modified a little). But that is getting ahead of myself. Many wrong turns growing, only the last run that was really worth while.


Like I said before, my first cannabis plant was one I found growing out of a crack in the curb and gutter of the road at 12 or 13 y/o. Gently got it out and into maybe a 1 gal pot and put it in my buddys swing set in the back yard where it got light and wasn’t super visible. Got to flowering in the fall and it was stolen during a party there. Fast forward to my late 20’s, an uncle who was in the military for 20+ years wanted to start growing for his PTSD since he was out and asked me for seeds and my reply was,”The weed I smoke doesn’t come with seeds😄” I was thick. He found everything anyway and was struggling with it so asked me for help since I was a stoner and had been flower/vegetable gardening since I was knee high. I read as much as I could daily and helped thru harvest and I was hooked. Got some cuts from him and a buddy I had made and had gotten into some groups in G+ and that’s where I got my start. Unfortunately I don’t have the photos cause I had so many(and G+ went away so I can’t pull em off there anymore) but I grew 2 plants indoors cause that’s all I had space for, and 11 or 12 more outside. With like 8 different strains at 1 time. Inside I had a 400 w HPS and a 400 w MH in a 3’x4’ space with 2 plants. Little did I know that was smart cause I didn’t have much headspace and the MH reduced the stretch in flower. Funny that my uncle who got me started comes to me for advice now. I’m trying to get him to make the switch to organic at this point. He’s 90% there, I think he’s just not confident yet and feels comfortable using bottled nutes cause if he sees a deficiency he can give em something and not have to catch it weeks ahead of time so his amendments can break down first

Started growing in my early teens with shit bag seed, most hermied, grew some nices here and there, nothing special until my late teens growing in a small closet. Had a kid, had to quit, stopped smoking… except for a few tokes over the years. fast forward almost 18years and here I am enjoying this wonderful plant.

Started when I was 16yrs. old…in my backyard…The 1st. plant was indoors with a regular light bulb needles to say it didn’t work out…all landrace bagseed back then.


Started at 16 years old myself (2012). My first attempts at grows we’re seedlings in a window sill that I transplanted and set on the roof of my parents carport in the backyard (where my parents and the neighbors could not see them). They grew, but it wasn’t very great, that fall I decided to take it inside and Mylar lined my entire bedroom closet. The equipment consisted of a manifold of cfl lights, And a few 4 inch fans to light a whole 2x6 closet :rofl: (I didn’t know any better). I grew 6 plants in veg about 3 foot tall and thought I was the man! Until my parents decided to go into my room one day and noticed the light beaming out of my closet as if the holy grail was hidden inside… that was the end of my indoor growing expirience until I turned 18 and moved out :sweat_smile:

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