how you dry your hash

how you dry your hash?


On cardboard. I cut it into small pieces.


Same here but recently been using the new improved freezer method and I’m liking the results.

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how would it be i used normal ice


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Great post by our resident hash maker @JoeCrowe well worth the read and the pictures don’t lie.


I was able to dry on cardboard in a fridge. I froze the wet hash and microplaned it on the cardboard. It worked really nice I was surprised.


@ELG What if I leave it at room temperature on baking paper?



yah I freeze dry that in the regular freezer like this, by making it into small bits. It’s pretty dry to begin with because I use centripetal acceleration to get the water out.

24 hours I can rip it. Takes up to a week to completely dry!


Damn thats some beautiful hash :heart_eyes:

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@ShiskaberrySavior @Deadinside88 It’s my first time


Yep. This is the way.

OP, I use strips of plain cardboard. Break it into small crumbles to dry fast. Usually mine is perfect in 48 hours. Dry climates it could only take 24 hours. Press with parchment paper folded over the hash and roll a mason jar filled with hot water over it until it’s a patty. High quality hash will melt together easily, lower quality kief type will take more time, heat, and pressure.

Looks good just make sure it’s completely dry before storing as it would be easy for it to mold being put away damp .

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@ShiskaberrySavior to avoid mold, what temperature and humidity should I have?

Once dry it shouldn’t matter I store mine in a sealer in a cool dark spot or excess gets sealed and stored in the freezer .

If you dry seive it you don’t have to worry about drying as much if any.


Yes do it like @Foreigner said, it should be fine. But make the hash as small as possible so it dries a bit faster.

@ELGput in the frezeer okay?


You have to ask @JoeCrowe I never tried, he knows better than me. He also has the nice hash thread @ShiskaberrySavior linked above. There are many ways to dry hash, you have to find what works for you :call_me_hand:

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I use the same tech as @JoeCrowe, but my freezer is a beer froster.


The coldness is love :smiley:

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