Howard's Hunt for Headstash

They’ve been pretty great for me so far, thankfully. I’m still dealing with health issues, so I’m trying out something new with these:


They get a liberal dose every day, according to the directions on the label. They seem to be responding very well!

Thank you! :smile:


Orange Goji male

It’s a jungle in the main tent, but good things are happening…


Orange Goji male

I bent the tops of the male the other day, because it was growing right into the lights again.

I wasn’t gentle about it, either. I figured if the tops die, there’s still going to be way more than enough pollen from the rest of the plant.

The tops didn’t die, lol.

I’m going to remove him from the tent today, and put him in another room so I can collect the pollen.

Also, check out that Durban Poison x Jungle Spice branch sneaking into the picture on the left. She wants to keep reaching for the sky no matter what I do to her. Gonna have to raise the lights again. Sheesh :smile:


Ugh. What a nightmare. :wink:

Turns out that floppy bastard can’t stand up on his own, hehe.

It felt like wrestling with some kind of eldritch nightmare sent by the Elder Gods to subjugate the world of man by pollen asphyxiation.

There was a dozen branches flopping and swaying everywhere and releasing huge puffs of pollen and flowers every time they smacked me in my face. I’m pretty sure my beard and hair are well dusted, lol. I might go shake it out over the plants after I get some fresh air.

I finally had to drive a stake into it and wrap the entire thing in garden ties just to get it out of the room.

If I don’t report back, you’ll know that Cthulhu has claimed another victim, or at least driven him to madness.


Lol if you were as busy as him you probably couldnt stand either… he needs some Gatorade


I feel your pain… I’m always growing mine in tiny pots because i don’t want to waste coco on them. Usually end up tying a branch to the lights to keep them upright.


What a wonderful sentence! I bet you kick ass at Scrabble. :grin:


The DPxJS girls are now the biggest and stretchiest plants in the tent. This girl in particular wants to just take over, as evidenced by those branches in the background.


They’re stretchy af, but I bet they’ll be great yielders. They just have that look 🤷


I haven’t done a good job of showing them off, but they’re starting to stack at the tops. I think they’ll do pretty well. The next run with the clones ought to be even better though, I think.


Orange Goji females


They’re giving you the full sativa experience I see. :joy:

But yea, when you grow from clone it’ll feel like a cakewalk. And look at those bud sites! I think @beacher is right… you’re gonna get some full jars.




heh…had to go look up Cthulhu. Not a Lovecraft fan kind of skipped his stuff. Started off with Asimov and Tolkien


I may not like Lovecraft much as a person, but I love the mythos and stories. I’ve read all of his stories, and hundreds of stories by other authors as well.

Some representative images:

Asimov is excellent, and Tolkien is one of the best there ever was just for the sheer depth, scale, and richness of the worlds he created.

I’ve got literally hundreds of physical books here, hundreds more on Amazon Kindle, and probably hundreds more I’ve lost over the years. I discovered a love of reading when I was very young, and it has made me who I am today.


I’ma big fan of Asimov too. Even some of his more obscure stuff is among my favorites. Fun to read it now and see the social effects of technology we’ve developed since his time, and how he often accurately predicted human behavior.


I was introduced to Asimov pretty early by my uncle, who gave me some of his books to read when my family went on a cross-country road trip, and I can’t thank him enough.

I recently reread the entire Foundation series, and still love it.

I’m sure most Asimov fans here have already seen this, but just in case… Smoke a bowl of your most introspective stash (I’ll be partaking of some Apollo myself) and enjoy this short story :wink:


was writing style and content not character that put me off. Did not know about the other till much later and as a result never saw a reason to revisit my earlier conclusion.

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Bear attempted to face down the faceless Nyarlathotep but was turned in a sticky instant to candy. Candy, hard, senseless and babbling.



Orange Goji pollen

Held a piece of paper under a couple of branches and gave them a light shake to collect this. Now I’m off to go dab this stuff on a bunch of bud sites with a soft-bristled paintbrush.