Howard's Hunt for Headstash

Collected another bit of pollen and hand painted a few dozen bud sites again today. Looked to me like most budsites were already well pollinated, and the pistils are browning, so I should have more than enough seeds a few weeks from now. :smile:


I’ve never collected pollen before, so for me that is very cool pic Howard… Looks about how I thought it would, maybe all pollen looks about the same. Glad to here the pollination is going well, psyched to see the results!

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Was molesting my DPxJS plants today, and when I was done my hands had a strong black pepper, spices, floral, lightly sweet scent from brushing the buds.

It smelled like some sort of weird exotic candy you buy specifically to share with friends and family after a vacation abroad.

I can’t really describe it better than that, but even though it’s early and they’re still likely to change before it’s all done and cured, I can definitely say I’m getting pretty stoked to see how they turn out.


I like the sound of that! I thought this would be a pretty wild combo. Can’t wait to see how those buds come out. I think they’re going to be a perfect density.


There sure are a lot of them… Now that the stretch is slowing and they’re starting to bud in earnest, I’m getting kind of excited by these plants with three hundred branches, lol.

Seriously though, there’s a whole lot of bud sites on these things.


Pretty sure the vast majority of bud sites are now at least partly pollinated.


That’s like the China white of pollen, I’d be tempted to sniff a bit haha. Plants are looking great, stretch seems ok. Did you pollinate the whole room?


How many seeds do you think you might get from pollinating all those sites? :thinking:


Pollinated the whole tent, yes. I have backups of everything to fill the jars with seedless on the next run.

The cabinet is, or at least appears to be, not pollinated at the moment. I have other plans for the Zak Haze.


I believe this is the relevant metric:


LOL… Hundreds… Thousands? I honestly have no idea, but I would guess thousands…

What will you do with all the seeds?


That was my way of dodging, lol. To be honest, I don’t know. In the past I’ve left the male in the tent so long that every pistil was hit and every available surface was coated in pollen, and got thousands of seeds as a result. My last seed run, I even picked up the male and literally shook it over the other plants, lol.

That cleanup was horrible. Ugh. My prefilter for the carbon filter is permanently discolored by it, every fan eventually had to be scrapped, I had to thoroughly clean every surface, etc.

And it’s probably not a great idea to let the pollen fly around freely in a flood and drain system either, so I’m surely going to get a lot fewer seeds by doing it this way this time.

Even so, I’d guess there will be several hundred at the very least. I’d be surprised if any single plant gave me less than a couple hundred, and there are eight plants in there.

As for what I’m going to do with them, I’m gonna hunt for headstash! :smile:

I’m not gonna count my seeds before they are shucked and dried, but to whatever extent it is possible I’d like to do the maximum amount of good I can do for as many people as I can possibly manage to with them.


Gotcha, I see what you mean about controlling the pollen application. Probably good idea not to get that cycling through the rez haha…

Sounds like an awesome project dude! Glad I get to watch it unfold :+1:


Zak Haze

Looks like I’ve got one that’s responding to the colloidal silver and has a few small clusters of balls, but I may just end up collecting any pollen I get for later use. I guess I’ll see if it starts producing pollen real soon, but it’s pretty far behind the females so maybe I’ll try to make some seeds on the next run.

I sure wouldn’t mind filling some jars first, anyways :wink:


Hope you like it. The effects are unique, I find it very forgetful weed. No real anxiety from it, but also a good daytime smoke. I liked her best at 10 weeks.


With genetics like these, it’s hard to imagine I’m not going to like it, and your descriptions make that seem even less likely.

I honestly can’t wait to try it!

And it’s a pleasure to grow, so I’m already quite fond of it in that respect :smile:


Those Zak Haze are beauts…

I should throw up some pics but these days I get stoned and say f it a lot.

My SLx Goji QM male is still dropping tons of pollen but it seems as though even when I transfer with a brush he doesn’t wilt the females. They act like they are immune or he is shooting blanks for all I can tell. Humidity is high…perhaps too high? (60% of late)


My humidity is hovering around 65% during the day, for whatever that’s worth.

Kind of a shame it’s not taking, I’ll bet that would make some really fine progeny otherwise!

And yeah… You should throw some pics up :smile:


I’m getting that way also but not because of getting stoned too much


Rain City Blues pollinated by Orange Goji

I posted these in someone else’s thread already, but I’m going to crosspost them here in my main thread as well because I’m kind of stoked about the Orange Goji pollen having taken and I’m really looking forward to these seeds! :smile: