How's your weekend treating you? Share your story.

Hey everyone. Am a lurker on reddit since years and just discovered this beautiful community. Idk how I hadn’t stumbled upon this site for so long. The energy is totally different here and I love it.

How are you all doing? This thread’s going to be a little down and different because I’m looking for similar stories to seek myself company and console myself.

I’ll start.

Been wanting to grow since a couple of years but being in a country where it’s still illegal and adult life things going on, couldn’t do much for a while. Finally, settled down in a new apartment, considered and planned the grow op and equip for a few months, got my hands on some very basic DIY setup. Decided to order some beans from a seedbank that ships overseas.

I pick Attitude seed bank, but the problem is I can only pay through crypto as they don’t support any other methods for my country. Anyway, I had bought a couple of Ethereum a few years ago which I was "HODL"ing on to. I decide to use a bit of that to pay for the seeds.

I try to login to the wallet and bam! I experience the scare of my life. My stomach sinks and churns. I almost got the runs from the scare. I try all night to figure out what happened, panicked and frightened. Long story short, I realized I had created 2 wallets and lost the password to one of the wallets that is worth more than my current life savings right now. The other wallet? It was used as a temporary wallet which had trace amounts of crypto (worth pennies back then). Silver lining is that I those pennies are worth a few $$ today and I just had enough to convert it and buy myself a couple of seeds. I didn’t know if I wanted to smile or cry. I order what I could afford. One norther lights and one white widow seed. A freebie was thrown in. It took the seeds more than 2 months to reach my door, because screw customs, am I right?

Seeds finally arrived last week. I was ecstatic to start my journey. Set everything up. Two nights ago, I popped all 3 seeds in a wet paper towel, put them in a plastic container I had lying around. Lid was transparent, so put the whole thing in a brown go-to bag and put it next to the fridge. Yesterday morning, I am off to the barber for an hour or so. When I return, I don’t see the brown bag or the container anywhere. I’m confused. I ask my wife if she saw the bag around.

She says she disposed the bag in the apartment common garbage disposal (which was cleared in the morning before I returned home). She thought it was the takeout bag from last night’s dinner and was left uncleared. In her defense, she’s legally blind due to a genetic condition. She can’t see well. And why would she check a container that felt empty, right? Oh well! Can’t be mad at her. Bless her innocent soul. Still love her to bits.

No seeds. Not touching crypto again. Every time I think of buying more crypto to order more seeds, it takes me straight back to that horrid feeling of doom and I can’t take it. I may be traumatized. Lol.

Feel so dejected right now after all that research, patience, loss and anxiety. I’ve got another sob story related to the hobby from before this, but I’ll save that for another day. We live and learn. No other way but onward and upward or at least, I tell myself.

Wanted to share this last night on here after signing up. But life said, have a little more dejection and patience/ Couldn’t get any worse, could it? For some reason, I wouldn’t get the verification email to sign up no matter how long I waited or how many times I tried. I guess the site server was facing issues. Wrote the admin a mail. Shoutout to Joe from the admin team for manually approving me.

I apologize if I overshared or ruined anyone’s mood with the above wall of text.

What’s your sad story related to this hobby?


That’s a bummer man.

Well, mines not as tragic but I killed some $50 clones thinking I could just put them right outside. Totally dead within 2 days.

Why’s that not tragic? I have some really healthy plants already, just got a little greedy and figured I needed more. A few months ago I tried making some soil with some local compost and found some surprises. Learned enough to right the ship and cruising now. I think it kinda goes that way sometimes. Something bad happens, and you find out a few months later it was actually for the best. Not everything is like that of course, but I’m shocked how frequently that’s the case.

What country are you in? You already have a setup?

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I agree. Some experiences teach you, some grant better opportunities and some leave forever scars. I’m from India. I have a basic setup with store bought LEDs and a cabinet I got done with DIY carbon filter and CPU fans. Not too different from some of the builds you’d find on this site. I couldn’t have a tent sitting in the room and needed stealth for obvious reasons.

My first grow was with some Indian landrace (sativa) bag seeds that I had popped and was waiting for the plants to show their sex. I had about 3 pots on my terrace. Being sativa, they took a long time to grow. The week they were about to reveal their sexes, my uncle culled the plants while I wasn’t home. The same week, a gang of monkeys ate the broccoli heads I was growing and waiting on for 4 months to harvest.

I have had sh*t luck with gardening except for lettuce. Haha.


Can’t say I’ve ever read that sentence before. I’ve heard of racoons, thieves, but gang of monkeys is a new one.

Check your PMs I’ll send you some beans


I was as befuddled as you when I saw what happened. Imagine a bunch of monkeys, building hopping and ravaging every terrace gardens in their sight, smack dab in the middle of a busy metropolitan city. “Ate by monkeys” is not an option I ever imagined of having on my gardening bingo card.

To rub salt into my wounds, the same gang came back about a month later and ate up the resprouted broccoli heads from the same plants. I had neither seen monkeys ever before that in my neighborhood nor ever after. I gave up on that terrace garden soon after. 6 months of works wasted. But at least I had the pleasure of harvesting some lettuces.


I’ll bite. I started growing when it was still illegal in IL and had a kid on the way. 1st grow was a hydro bucket, screw in blurple, and behrens metal trash can as a cover. The plant quickly out grew its can and then bam a surprise call from DCFS we will be there this week. I flipped shit gave the plant to a family member for free drove at night to drop it off and was scared as hell! After that I didn’t grow again till 4-5 years later when I had moved to MO and found out you can just buy a med card. Tell the doctor whatever and he’s like well you need to have these issues to qualify so how about we go with that and im like sure. After that i got my setup and started messing up plants left and right wondering what am I doing wrong and pestering all my buddies who grew 24/7 like help whats wrong. Took me a while to get a hang of it and im still learning more everyday. Also absolutely love gardening as well. My landlord loves when I move because he says I always leave the house in better shape then when I moved in. I typically do work inside the house and outside for functionality and lack of wanting to wait on his 1 maintenance guy. Right now I have a small veg garden out front and once the flowers die off I’ll chop them back and get some more vegetables in the ground

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I bet that was an eventful night. I’ve had my share of near brush ins with the local law while copping some buds from peddlers. Plain clothes cops were following me and a buddy circling around the block, while the dealer was giving me shit excuses on the phone while parked on the other side of the road. We sensed he was stalling us for some reason, and we split. Later realized that the dealer was in on the op with the cops trying to trap us.