Humble Beginnings: Ancient Orange

What’s up everybody! Before I begin I should start with a little backstory…
When I first began growing it was a constant race to knowledge, having a best friend/friendly competitor grower was huge in my growth. We would ALWAYS share what we learned but the classic “look what I can do” attitude and feeling of superiority was replaced with “look what I learned” and “look what I can show you” feeling of educating and being a teacher. Before long we had grown out strains from practically every last big amsterdam company and most newer US breeders. These included but are not limited to:
Black Russian, Exodus Cheese, CottonCandy, Blue OG, Crazy Miss Hyde, Green Love Potion, Ak47 variations, Critical +, Critical Jack, Dr. Grinspoon, Chocolate Heaven, Chocolope, Cannalope Haze, Goji OG, Tahoe OG, Jillybean, Cinderella99, Dairy Queen, Inca Gold, and probably a handful more.

Most were grown out in combined efforts so whenever we got freebies of the same batch we’d run them like a full pack and hunt. All of this was done outside naturally, the best way. The reason I bring this up is because I’ve experienced many different cultivars in my young age and have found myself a niche where I know which strains and terpene profiles I do and don’t like. I love a nice smooth velvety orange, cheesey skunk, or a chocolate nuttiness in much of my daytime smoke, and found that most of the strains I use to knock me out are either gassy, sharp and pungent, or smell like straight earth.
Last year I picked up pack #10/100 of Norstar’s Inca Gold (Tangie x Chelumbian). The genetics in that cross, to me, made my eyes light up. You got a nice orange skunk mom and a cheesy santa marta colombian dad. Through hunting I knew it was a hybrid that was quite stable for a cross with little variation besides the two main phenos.
The last male to show sex showed only a few days before the females. The interesting part of this is that he was the ONLY plant early in veg that smelled at all. Threw me a crazy strong funk and I knew right then I had to keep him. I cloned him and kept him veg cycle for the winter and put him outside this spring.
Fast forward a little and I now have hunted through potential moms for the Inca stud, including Agent Orange, Dairy Queen, Cuvée and my old Cindy from last year. My Agent Orange mom that I kept from that hunt, also has that same level of fragrance. A different profile for sure but at maybe week 2 of veg her stems reeked like creamy orange peel. And so the brainchild dubbed Ancient Orange was born. I also consulted Joel at Norstar about using Inca Gold with Agent Orange and he agreed with my idea and was super generous in egging me on to keep going with it. I’m glad we have breeders like Joel and @Subcool putting out amazing hybrids and don’t mind people using their genetics in their own journeys to become future breeders. I know Sub has said many times on the nerd, something a little like, “I don’t give a damn what you do with the seeds they’re yours eat em I don’t care” :joy::joy: THE KEY IS FOR ALL US CHUCKERS IS TO GIVE CREDIT. Joel and Sub are the fathers of the two strains I am using to create my own cross. If it works out and I stabilize her I’m putting her right back out for others to use, that’s how we grow better cannabis. Breed for better traits, stabilize, release, repeat.


I’ll be drying in a mason jar with a silica pack inside, once the pods are dry I’m mixing in previously warmed flour (let cool before mixing with pollen) at around a 5 to 1 ratio heavy on the flour. I plan on using the pollen in a month or two. I know it’s best to just throw on the fresh pollen but, like the title says, humble beginnings.


And yes the stem and leaf will be separated shortly, there’s a method to my madness

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nice story and I love the name “Ancient Orange” too! agree on sending respect to TGA and other breeders that keep it real - not a single fem or autoflower seed for sale! They are catering to us pollen-chuckers, focusing on quality rather than volume.

Dutch Passion’s website says 97% of their business is now fem & auto seeds. So you can see that Subcool is giving up a large chunk of the market by staying away from gibberelllic acid and ruderalis! :grinning:

this model works - my friends and I are trading crosses, cuttings, and pollen from 10 different TGA strains - but all it does is make you want to buy even MORE strains to try!


Do you keep the jar in the refrigerator? How long do wait for it to dry out?

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I’m letting the male flowers dry out suspended in the mason jar, open, with a cloth over the top and lid over it, almost as if it were a micro-room for drying a single flower. I’m thinking I’m gonna just dry it the way I do female flowers. Once my “dry trim” is done I’ll have the flour on standby sitting in a separate, smaller, bone-dry jar. I’ll carefully move the now dry and leaf-free male flowers over to the final container and shake any and all pollen and sacks into the jar and onto the flour. Throw the stem in your compost, jar the pollen. From what I hear freezer is too much and causes moisture eventually. Even in a fridge I hear the same. Still up in the air about refrigeration or not. Any tips or pointers are greatly appreciated! I heard flour in the fridge is a big no no??


Hmmmm - not sure about the flour. I shake pollen dust from the live flowers into a small jar, add a dessicant pack, and then place the jar into the refrigerator. I’m not sure how long the pollen stays viable outside the refrigerator, after it’s been removed from the plant.

I’m wondering if the pollen will die while it’s sitting in the jar drying out. Once you kill the plant it probably won’t last long.


I use the same method as you, and had pollen still viable after a year+
Im careful to keep it dark too.

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I’m gonna end up refrigerating the final jar/capsule with the silica packet if I get enough pollen. If I end up short on pollen I’ll cut in flour at a high ratio. As for pollen being viable outside a fridge my buddy just hit his ladies with year old pollen in a jar and got plenty of viable beans at the end. Canmabiandad has a good method on here I’ll try to find it

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This is all from @CannabianDad

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If you Keep it away from moisture,heat,and light… it’s so stable you gotta pull it out the jar and stab it if you want it dead…:flushed: Still messing with some island sweet skunk dust from early 2000’s … But watch the cold jars… I was saving some south Florida black haze since middle school… Took it out of the freezer, opened it up, to thaw out while I smoked a joint…and came back to a lake of inviability :rage::crying_cat_face:… The condensation just murderd my future…I am an idiot… Don’t be me​:droplet::sweat_drops::ocean::coffin::coffin::coffin: