Humidifiers in the tent?

I know this may seem like a dumb question but are humidifiers in your tent harmful or beneficial?


Beneficial when used properly.
If you use a high sediment water most humidifiers’ mist will leave a film from whatever is in there that is atomized which could be harmful if full of heavy metals. I would recommend using RO or purified water with a controller to keep RH within the range you need.
Check to make sure the humidity is being dispersed and not pooling in 1 area.


I recently moved to the SoCal desert from Ohio and still going through the learning curve.

Didn’t need a humidifier in Ohio but here the humidity was under 20% and it was causing issues. I put this little unit in my tent a couple weeks ago and it’s working great. I set it at 40% or so and I have been monitoring the tent with my Raspberry Pi and an Oregon Scientific monitor.

If you look closely, you can see the mist coming out of the unit and being sucked up by the fan and distributed throughout the tent. Seems to be working great, so far.

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I set mine outside rhe tent and vent the mist into the tent


This probably seems like a dumb answer, but… yes. :stuck_out_tongue: It depends on the conditions in there already. If you haven’t already seen one of these, download it and try to stick to it; plants really are happier when they’re growing in at least roughly the right conditions.

Cannabis VPD chart


@Cormoran is right, everyone’s site falls somewhere on that chart and one way or another we’ve got to compensate.

If you end up shopping for a humidifier, consider a “Warm Steam” unit instead of the cold ultrasonic type. I’ve used both and I think the plants prefer warm steam to cold & powdery.

The top of the line warm steam is from Optimus. They use a wicking system that reduces maintenance, even if you have mineralized water.

Here’s my kit, Optimus front right, and a dehumidifier behind. On Cape Cod we need both!



Unless your in a super dry climate, I see no need.
Courts Mold.
One could just put a jar of water in.
Never used those in all the years I have grown.
I find if Temps are good, no issues.
But I rarely use a tent
I see no real reason to use one.
They are like green house , fans
I use a closet
And lights, that’s it.
My central heat and air keep Temps in range.
I will add a box fan circulating air in my room
In summer but that’s it
Correct moisture of soil alleviates problems.

Plants produce trichomes as response to dry environments, maybe just something to be aware of, personally I love when humidities at 20% around here. Host of other benefits too like faster dry downs lower chance for mold and lower chance for pests

The reason I’m asking is specifically so I can have a more solid vpd lol I guess I should have worded it differently. My concern comes from where the mist is moisture particles in the air if that could be something that affects the plants

If you’ve got it spraying directly on one of the plants, maybe that would cause microclimates, but otherwise it should be fine. The mist should just dissipate as it spreads out, if you’ve got decent airflow. I’ve got one in my tent and two in my flower room, no particular issues other than my wanting to take them apart to find out why the flow rate is so much faster for one than the other two:


I usually just set them in my room and the tent passively intakes the air of the room, which is humidified. Just gotta make sure your humidifier is big enough for the size of your lung room

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I agree with @olschool venting into the tent Rather than placing it in the tent.

I use a converted closet rather than a tent, and monitor/adjust humidity a couple different ways. During vegetation, I keep a towel draped over a drying rack set in a bucket of water, so the towel soaks up the water. I place this between the plants and a fan, which blows over and evaporates the water that gets wicked up from the bucket. Depending on the ambient humdity, I’ll use a bigger or smaller towel. Like so:

I just chopped and hung my plants to dry. I aim for 60 degrees Farenheit and 60% humidity during this stage, and evaporative humidity won’t cut it. So I added a small humidifier. So far, so good. :+1: