Hypochlorous Acid......a Deep Dive

Out of curiosity what is the NaCl ratio to water before electrolysis, and the Acetic acid addition is that done before or after at what rate to achieve what pH ?

Just as at home generation would be pretty easy with DIY methods but one would need chlorine test strips for more accurate levels as DC voltage and amperage over time comes into effect.


Nope, Sorry…as far as I know there is no such thing as a ‘technical grade’ Hypochlorous acid.

Please let me know if you can find something available that is more than 0.056% .
I have done an extensive search myself but more eyes, are better eyes!

Thanks Bob


well here’s some manufacturers for as pure as im sure its able to be gotten


Yes sir,
Quite economical, effective, and convenient!
Growers may well want to purchase a gallon of Danolyte to confirm it’s everything I say it is !

I believe after you have a chance to see it in action against these pernicious Fungi/Bacterial pests,
You will see the economy of purchasing the generator.

The reason I brought up the HCO generator here, was in consideration of growers around the world that don’t have easy access (or ANY access) to effective HCO formulations. Most everyone can get ahold of distilled water, white vinegar, and deiodized salt…BTW rock salt used for water softening does not contain iodine…I’m guessing rock salt would be available world wide!




Shamus, if you have time, look them all up and see if they are PURE Hypochlorus acid
and what % it is offered…also price! Thanks

Yeah isn’t it just pool shock? I’ve breathed in enough of the stuff. Cleans out your insides.

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I’m going to try and clarify some of your questions/comments!
FIRST of all, HCO is NOT a molecular symbol !
It’s just shorthand for 'hypochlorous acid! the shorthand generally used for hypochlorite’s is HOCL.
Sir, I appreciate you questions/comments are well intended…however they are inaccurate and may add to confusion…
You ask about ratios of water, salt, vinegar…They are specific to the volume of the generator, and included with the unit. I can tell you, that all three are combined before the electrolysis begins.

The only things you’re going to need to confirm the concentration of generated HCO are tools that just about every grower has…a pH meter and a ppm meter.

Hope that answers some of the questions…


Appreciate your ‘knowledge dive’ cuz. I’ll keep this in mind for if I ever get PM or budrot etc

lol ‘knock on wood’… I’ve only very rarely been plagued by these issues

edit…‘plagued’ is way too strong a word here… I’ve been ‘visited’ by these issues only rarely is better lol


I realize just semantics but actually look it up i even provided a link in post 18, HOCL is Hyprochlorous acid your own shorthand will and is just adding confusion.

As for concentration amount well doesn’t your unit have a pre defined volume ? … which one could extrapolate that information about no reason to be vague about it when numbers could be provided.

I took a look around and a few sources for likely the all the same unit they were talking about said 1g NaCl to 1 liter of water and 5ml of standard Vinegar, i was just curious on what your unit specified.


Greetings Bob,

Nice find, well researched presentation, credible testing. Well Done!

To add to your product list, quick search of the AmZone yields several more choices including this one:

​Hypochlorous Acid Spray & Solution - All Purpose Cleaner w/ Electrolyzed Water – 525 ppm HOCL Spray Hospital Grade Cleaning Supplies – Safe Hypochlorous Spray – Multi Surface Cleaner by Pure & Clean

This item ​Hypochlorous Acid Spray & Solution - All Purpose Cleaner w/ Electrolyzed Water – 525 ppm HOCL

I was also interested to note the claim that this product is approved for use with “Foggers.” I use a fogger in my orchard and growroom for pest management and it is extremely cost effective.



Thanks @GrouchyOldMan
Check the label carefully! I believe I see a LOT of those 500-550ppm products that are actually 1/2 hypochlorous acid and 1/2 hypochlorite… excellent for surface cleaning but the hypochlorite is bleach,
not desirable for plant treatment!

They DO however have this one:

IT IS 100% hypochlorous, but the concentration is 0.020% (200ppm). At $43.99 per gallon it’s PRICEY, With Danolyte at $39.99/Gal and 0.046% (460ppm) you can see the economy in buying the higher concentration for less money!

BTW, LOL, may be a good idea to buy that generator, make a batch of 200ppm every 16 minutes, and sell it to your neighbors for $19.99/Gal all day long!

Thank you for your contribution, and keep looking, there have to be some out there I don’t know about!


Just to state it here…
The reason we want to stay away from hypochlorite (bleach) formulations is two fold…
First the hypochlorous acid is many hundreds of times (LOL, I’ve seen 100X-800x) more ACTIVE than hypochlorite (bleach),
Second (and this is a big one) hypochlorous acid will have ABSOLUTELY NO effect on your trichomes when you are treating late season for BUD ROT!




Does anyone know how long it stays active after the gallon jug is open?
Bleach looses potency, even unopened. I do not buy it from the cheap store any more myself.
For a personal grower, a small amount may last an age.
H’mm I help out with a few gardens, maybe we can all chip in to buy a machine, just babbleing out loud.


Unless said generator is a membrane film type system which most all basic systems don’t look to be then one isn’t separating HClO, HCL and Sodium hydroxide which is all formed at the same time with the former two being more pH dependant.

So unless your “generator” has a two compartment storage system where the anode and cathode are separated in there own compartments then it all goes into one container even still HClO and HCL seem to be both created just thats where the pH somes into play, Sold HClO products would be a good guess that they use said membrane systems or just don’t say otherwise, but your homebased system won’t be producing “100% pure HClO in dilution” as HClO and HCL will further react over time to produce sodium hyprochlorite and salt supposedly.

Just some reading and more semantics its supposedly more in the 80-200x range and dictated by concentration but i haven’t found accurate like for like comparisons nor am i gonna dive any further into that rabbit hole lol.

@webeblzr there is some literature that degradation starts to happen after 4days when exposed to light and or after 14days or when not for the home made stuff due to the above reason of not removing the sodium hydroxide and depending on what commercial stuff some is supposedly shelf stable for awhile but you’ll have to go looking for that info.


Hmmmmm, perhaps the white vinegar (acetic acid) in the solution automatically reacts with the sodium hydroxide to form Sodium acetate…CH3COONa…come on guy…how the hell else are you going to achieve a pH of 3.5 in the generator???

Never said it was ‘pure’…pure hypochlorous acid is not possible. I said that the generator will produce stable hypochlorous acid of varying concentrations at pH 3.5…

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Seriously… I do appreciate your attempts at producing chemistry here.

I think I would encourage you to research the Different oxidation states of Chlorine…
that will give you a little more insight. Just saying…

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Hypochlorous acid can remain stable for quite a while.
You just need to keep it in the polyethylene(plastic) jug it comes in, or amber colored glass bottle’
Keep it away from direct sunlight and heat… an indoor cabinet comes to mind, even better refrigerated if you have the ability


Sorry i stand corrected you were talking about the product you linked.

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