Hypochlorous Acid......a Deep Dive

How to use the hypochlorous acid in an octopot (bottom feed) setup?

Would adding it to the reservoir work? The nute water is at 5.8-6.2 PH


Not sure you’d want to use it in a octopot system. It would destroy your beneficial microbes.

It’s most often used in full on hydroponic systems (soiless). In hydroponic systems you have a lot of crap trying to grow in the nutrient solution, all over airstones, and in pump/lines, so you utilize the hypochlorous acid to eliminate those destructive contaminate bacteria/fungi…


Octopots can be hydro too!

I have a reservoir too, octos are a hybrid of coco and DWC

I use coco+perlite and salts :smiley:

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Are all these HOCL generators created equal or one recommended over others? Thanks!


Bob recommended the Eco One to me…works great.


Same. No complaints at all. No PM here but I recently spotted bud rot on a few outdoors plants and have fogged them all and have been spot treating with a mini fogger. I will say the botrytis isn’t spreading in 3 of the 4 spots I have been spot treating. One spot seemed like it didn’t help as much. I have been using only for 1 week. Today I will remove the infected areas. But for anybody reading this I would spray the infected area then remove rot and spray the removal area. I didn’t do this because I wanted to see the worst case scenario to test the validity of the acid. No ill effects to speak of other than a bit of stress. Unhealthy plants will more than likely be more stressed. No damage to trichomes that I can see using a usb microscope. So next year I will be trying it as a preventative for bud rot. Wish I had sprayed a week earlier this year. That shit sneaks up on ya. Would love to hear more users experience on the use of this so we can dial this in and save some crops. Peace


Thanks for pointing that out kevin, I was unaware of that attribute in octopots !


Doesn’t matter. I dose water first then add nutrients. Same for the irrigation system. First doser is hocl. It matters to stabilize the ph in the concentration if your making it.



So the pH of the nutrient shouldn’t make a difference, right?

Does it disintegrate in water?

The rez water will travel to the octopots and then be wicked up by the plant.

Will the hypochlorous be effective when it reaches the plant?


Sure…Remember that HCO is active below pH 7. Usually your hydro pH’s (are I believe) 5.5-5.8
so the hypochlorous acid remains effective in solution.

It doesn’t really disintegrate…as it attacks any bacteria or fungi present in that solution, it is slowly neutralized…that’s why it is replaced in the solution on a regular basis. The HCO will remain effective UNLESS the pH rises or it becomes neutralized over time!
Hope that helps…


That makes sense!

I’m going to get into it right away.

Thanks for an informative thread.

Btw, Dr Daniel Fernandez (Science in Hydroponics) and the maker of hydrobuddy also has a post on hypochlorous,

I’ll just link it here, it’s good

good info and a way to make it with bleach.


How frequently should it be sprayed as a preventive measure?

I’m doing twice a week since it’s PM season…no sign of it so far.


Do you spray it with a spreader?
Or just plain hypochlorous?

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I’ve been using a pump sprayer all along but I just bought a fogger yesterday that I’ll start using today.


I’m waiting for my Fogmaster Jr to arrive from Q-Bek.

The grow dudes had them cheapest in :canada: with shipping. I overbought but don’t want to buy a fogger more than once.

Now to go soak down the plants again after yesterdays MEGA RAIN! :rofl: / :sob:


I found a Ryobi 18V cordless on Kjiji with THREE batteries and charger, and a pile of other stuff in a case, guy was asking $75, got it for $60…pretty happy with that deal!


DUDE! That’s a great deal!

No good deals in my chood so I bit the bullet and went with new. So if it was gonna be new my OCD dictated research research research and no one complains about the Fogmaster Jr. :rofl:


Fogmaster Jr was my nickname is high school.


Great fogger choice @Pigeonman. I’ve been using that same model for over a decade now in the orchard. Heavy use, not one problem!