Hypochlorous Acid......a Deep Dive

Dudes head is just jammed full of info. I’d have to live to be 120 to get all of it. Haha. Thanks Bob. I’m in middle of first dwc right now.


Naw, Boozer…I got the ball rolling but there are MULTIPLE growers contributing their experiences and the combined effort contributes more than I could have accomplished!!!


I didn’t expect this to show up, but a grower recently commented that ‘pool shock’ products are the same thing as Hypochlorous acid…NOT !!

Be forwarned that all pools shocks are HYPOCHLORITE ! These are BLEACH not hypochlorous acid.


I don’t come over to this thread often, other than out of curiosity, sorry Bob. I just don’t seem to have/get some of the problems that it seems a lot do, in the grows. But, I do know that you’re become one helluva contributing member! You come up with stuff that helps a lot of folks, and it doesn’t go unnoticed cuz!
Kudos to you for everything you do!


Thanks Johnny ! Most indoor growers can control their environment to some extent, and with correct VPD protocols you man NEVER see these diseases!

Outdoor growers are exposed to all issues of insect/weather and this year seems to have been brutal throughout the country !

I enjoy contributing where I can, and the hypochlorous acid thread has become a group effort that many other contributors have refined and shared…really proud and delighted with their contributions!


Hi Brother @BudBusterPro ,I Just had a read over here and I am very sad to have bought a dehumidifier when I could have used this treatment for less price and more results,however,I have surely botrytis spores in my home from last grow and I kept my environmentals at Better shape this grow,anyhow,I was wandering if using this acid with an atomizer,a sprayer or a fogger for sanificazione are the same in effectiveness as the costs between those tools Is very different
What is a suitable way of applying the product and sterilize the air of my room?
(I don’t know if a sprayer would be good enough tho)
Is ok to spray on my room where the tent Is?
How should I use this Acid?
Applying It in the room Will ruin the flowering plants?
Will It affect my health?
Or should I just apply It to my dtw system directly in water reservoir?
Thank you in advance :heart:

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@Andrexl Andrexl,
I will be happy to share my information with you…Do you mind if I ask you what country you’re
in ? It will help me giving you specific recommendations…

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I am in Europe brother, can’t access USA based products.
I also think sanitizing my room floor with that could be good too

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Excellent !
Let me tell you what I know…Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a contact killer of ALL bacteria, fungii, and viruses. I’m sure there are many sources in Europe. Hospitals use hypochlorous acids to disinfect all surfaces and some equipment.
The dehumidifier you bought will help you control high RH (relative humidity) and better control your growing environment, so I don’t think it will be a waste of money in the long run.
HOCl is available in different strengths. it’s ideal to purchase acid that is 0.050 % (that’s 500 ppm)
If your having a hard time finding the acid, you can make your own with distilled water, kosher salt, and white vinegar…it is very cheap and easy to make your own !
Before you start looking for the premix product, why don’t you search HYPOCHLOROUS ACID GENERATORS.
If you choose to buy the premixed product, make sure you are not buying a product that contains hypochlorite (that is bleach and not at all suitable for plant use)
Once you have the acid, you would probably want to use a fogger to treat the surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) of any rooms you want to sterilize. It is completely safe for plants, regardless of the stage of growth, even flower buds…there is No residual and some people use it for their bud washes post harvest…why don’t you do a search for Hypochlorous acid and the generators…

If you PM me with your options, I’ll be happy to take some time with you and make sure you get the most cost effective solution available…Let me know what you can purchase…


That’s an UNDERSTATEMENT! Bob is my “Superhero” :pray:



All this information is worth gold, thanks for this :pray:


Bob, sir, just read this thread. It’s a freakin’ masterclass, imo, in several ways. Please accept my compliments — the deft facility, tact, graciousness, and no-nonsense directness you here display in navigating dialogue is really quite impressive. And a pleasure to behold. Beyond this, your generosity with knowledge and time, well, sir, it makes a fella feel good about humans. Lol, not everything one is witness to does! Thank you.


I contribute wherever I can. You may have heard me say that knowledge is a lot like bullshit…if you can’t spread it around, it really does no good !
Thanks for the kind words…


Having some difficulty with humidity and I’m looking for HOCL generators to use it as a preventive; just figured I’d mention to be careful when shopping for these too. Apparently some Chinese sellers don’t know the difference between HOCL and bleach; this one is one of the first ones to come up on Amazon when searching for hypochlorous, and probably the cheapest. I suppose if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Meanwhile, the actual link name says “Hypochlorite Multi Surface Cleaner.” The “about this item” mentions Hypochlorous and HOCL four times and bleach none. The pictures of the item show the chemical formula H2O + NaCl → NaClO + H2. The SGS states the product name is “Hypochlorous acid generator” and that the resultant product came out with a pH of 9.24. Highly alkaline, like bleach. One of the reviews also mentions their “hypochlorous acid” came out with a pH of 11 and they had to put vinegar in to bring it down. Glad I didn’t buy this without doing some research… :man_facepalming:


I d love to buy a generator too,I have botrytis issues every harvest,nevertheless my rh Is not so high

Your absolutely correct @Cormoran and I appreciate your pointing it out.
FACT: anything with a pH above 7.0 is hypochlorite…BLEACH. There’s a big difference between hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite (bleach)
Yeah they’re cheap, but they’re crap!


Thanks again for all this amazing info Bob! @BudBusterPro!

Mine came in yesterday! Made a batch of “double 3” and hosed down the plant with the white dots!!!
Next morning: NO DOTS!!! :partying_face:

Only thing that throws me off… my PPM meter read 1300+!!! :rofl:

I used 1tsp much like @middleman , next round will add 1 TBS.


Pete, You must remember that besides hypochlorous acid in that final mix, you have some excess Sodium and Sodium acetate remaining, so It’s not purely hypochlorous acid…

At any point, you can add additional vinegar until your pH gets down to 5.0-5.5…your hypochlorous acid will be a lot more stable, and this low pH will have absolutely no ill effects on your plants…


Thanks for an informative thread!

If I’d like to add hypochlorous acid in my reservoir, when should I do it? After adding the nutes in?
Since the pH of the acid controls it effectiveness, can it be used in nute water where the pH is 5.8-6.2?

The grozine article that you mentioned says that they use a dosatron to apply it in a continuous feed so I’m assuming it can be done?


Sounds like it would be an awesome pretreatment outdoors!

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