I AM Bongholio™

That is exactly what it is all about. It’s about you and yours, not the world spinning out of control, and idiots crawling out of the woodwork like roaches. I love lemonade!


Just last nite I pulled a shot glass full of sourD × Lemon skunk pollon. Now I just have to figure out what I got I can breed it with to make that MMFL. I was with this one girl for a cple days, and she asked me," how do y’all come up with those fucked up names for weed". I gave her no answer, cause she wouldn’t understand it anyway. One I’m working on now, don’t steal it, you heard it here first. This will be my first worked strain. FUCKING A. (M.T.F.xAK47). Then I’ll start working the Blu Santa I crossed making it an IBL Also((Blue Oaxaca×Blueberry)X Santa Maria Planck).


I would bet you make a mean ass lemonade too brother


Epic. Sign me up for some seeds. :beers:

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Yes sir, and I don’t mix it with vodka anymore! :joy:

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I need to find a place to make a list of members on the “don’t even need to ask” list. Breeders lab? Smokers lounge?


That was the GUMRILLA from Calyx bros. Over at soaknbeans.com that @Kakalak is letting me test for him. At 3 1/2 weeks of flowering ,it’s budding out fast, all ready getting covered in trichs .cant wait.
Here’s some SourD×lemon skunk @corey gave me. I popped 6, culled 2 males already and looking like two more are male. I collected some pollon from the first two, I’ll be collecting some more it appears

The white lid towards bottom of the two in the corner is a sourDxlemon skunk
the one at the top left is a bluedreams.
This next one is a bluedreams also. After that will be some MATANUSKA THUNDER FUCK. Which I’ve been spraying with some C.S. I made the day before I flipped them. @Bob13 gave me the bluedreams cookies kush to seed run about a year ago. I’ve been lucky enough not to kill every seed he gave me. Only one survived , it’s fem and not wanting to turn. The M.T.F. was gifted by @Instg8ter to do the same. And the same bad luck with it only a little diff. I only popped 3 of the 6 he gave me. I killed 2, no males to breed with. So I’m spraying and I think I see balls on the ol’girl . I’ve had this project for a year also. I know the donors will be glad to see it finish. I’ll give them both credit for not trashing my name in the disappointing work I’ve done.
Two of OG’s finest Gentlemen they are.Thank you. Bob and g8ter, we’re almost there!


That last one is a fresh clone with only a cple of days veg. It looked a lot better, but my new helper doesn’t know what she’s doing and chewed the top off .i just can’t take my eyes off of her for even 5 seconds. She’ll get better I promise.shes just too new at this.

I’ll see if her ol man will have a talk to her

. anyway I’ve got maybe 5 mtf clones in the other room.
And I scored some more bd×ck seeds I think I’ll pop to help this run out.
Gumrilla buds

These pics are bout 4 days old, I’ll get fresher, closer shots for better pot porn


I check out your activity because I saw how you clone :star_struck:. I tore down my 55 gal saltwater tank last year and was just getting ready to list it for sale. I think I will hang onto it just in case. (yes hoarder here)

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This is a new setup for me, not like the old set up.same same but different. Only difference is the lights. 4 -4’ 20w( I think) fluorescents,aqua tank . standard fish tank fluorescents. Root balls in two weeks. These new leds, full grow spectrums, showing roots in two weeks by third week I’m putting in grow mix to speed up root development. I’m ol’Skool, the M.H’s, HPS’s, soft lights from fluorescents kicked FUCKING ass. I just can’t find the old fluorescents, but I haven’t tried that hard. When I started back last year I started with some low watts led, as soon as I could afforded it I bought a 400 w M.H… Then bummed a 400w HPS Until l I could afford one. I don’t care what the say about leds, less energy, less heat, I say ,longer grow for, less weight. Very soon I will have reg. ol’Skool fluorescents . and pics to prove it. As a matter of fact. All cloning will be in dirt Until l. But, cloning in fishtank, under flouresents is unbeatable, I 100% believe. I did it almost ten years
Gots to have fish in tank… Make half for cloning ,roots and bubbles, half for fish, structures wuth caves for sleeping cause my lights are 24/7

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Got some Ghost og and this in the mail today

Which made a bad day a good day cause I was getting a package ready for trade when I couldn’t find my GG4. Tube full of seeds. So there goes that trade. This is what I found

It’s a good thing I love puppies. But not so much for an hour or so


Here is the Gumrilla

I’ll edit in more later, web is crawling rite now

I’ll tell you what, that Gumrilla #1 is a BEAST! Just blowing everything else I got to shame. If the power matches growth, Lord have Mercy.
M.T.F. I sprayed 1 lower limb and I think I see some balls.

Blue dream… I sprayed the whole plant like I should have and it never turned male

I had to pull 2 more males of the SourD×Lemon Skunk. That’s 4/6 so far. I’ll have a lot of pollon from these four I’m collecting.

I was getting 11 finger leaves off of these two. And the biggest one that I’ll flip tomorrow probably


I’ve got a female SourD × Lemon Skunk show hairs I can see, 4 males , one female, and one still vegging, 2 months now. Going to be big AF.pics edited in shortly


Who did I rip apart? I warned about one member that’s been banned, so others didn’t get burned,but I didn’t rip him apart , aparently if someone would of posted about him earlier, me and several others wouldn’t of been burned. I didn’t know he was banned till after I posted. Is it Christian to be quite and watch, or say something and stop the fuckery?


Yeah I agree man. Best to stop it


Probably best to have this conversation through a pm also brothers.


Uploading: Polish_20210201_002212758.jpg…

Iv got a female SourDxLemonSkunk
Ive been spraying the bd× ck and it dont wanna turn

Some MTF

The grow

The Gumrilla



1 got this in yesterday. So many trades and such going on, idk from who or what strain


Also i owe @stankynugget a BIG APOLOGY. .

Im very sorry stanky. You are a man of your word, we going to be friends, yep 100%.

Stanky was just going thru something, and couldnt get to me untill this week, more than what i bargained for.


It takes a real man to apologize.

Next time don’t be a jerk bro! :joy:


Hey, I’m an asshole, straight up. I keep it tucked away. Until the proper time. I’ve been an ashole my whole life every year I get better at being an asshole. Kinda like life is just asshole school. So , I’m an asshole, my dads an asshole, his dad was an asshole the dad before him was an asshole. So you see now, I come from a long line of assholes. I’m probably an asshole IBL. I figured that being this pure an asshole, must of been some line breeding and inbreeding in there somewhere. Which would explain the foam helmet, the short bus and licking of windows. So the other night in bed we discussed not passing this gene on anymore, so me and my sister will just adopt. Cause she’s an asshole , her momma was an asshole her mommas momma…