Say Something Nice About Your Neighbor

What’s up friends, folks, gang, people I don’t and won’t know. Every place has negativity. Sometimes it’s everyone but you and sometimes it’s only you. Everybody loves the sunshine. This is simply a place to say something nice about someone. I searched a couple things but didn’t find what I wanted. So anyway. Let this thread get buried forever if you guys don’t like saying nice things. I won’t make you. :metal:t2::purple_heart:

I’ll go first…

I think @Foreigner 's level of patience for b.s. should be a global standard. Top tier.


I think @mota s knowledge and jokes are funny, always something good to say. Praise the lard eh


@CrunchBerries keeps Sipping the funk and it’s appreciloved.


@Hashpants grows nice pants


@DirtySlowToes is awesome. Always there to give advice or point me to someone i should get advice from. Dude even offered to ship me a 5gal bucket of compost for my living soil😂 someone i would definitely smoke a joint with


@JoeCrowe is a mad scientist in my eyes. A plethora of knowledge and experience. Always there to help and give advice when i need it.


I’ll say something nice about my literal neighbor:

Thank you for letting my plants tower over your chain link fence and dangle in your yard with nothing but positive comments.

In all seriousness, she’s a senior citizen that always asks me what kind of plant it is, that it grows so fast and looks beautiful. I tell her cannabis and she probably doesn’t understand, and just says “it’s so pretty and smells beautiful. I should get some too.”. Makes me chuckle every year with the same thing. :laughing:

As for here, I don’t know too many people, nor very well yet, but thanks @Pawsfodocaws for being an awesome person to talk to and trade with. Helped me out just listening during some dark times. Really cool fellow.


I would say the @moderators do a great job of keeping the negativity on this site to a minimum and I am appreciative of that.


Thanks man your a pretty good user here. Keep it og. :sunglasses:


I also want to say @Jetdro steered me in the right direction, I was stuck on some smoke. Now I’m growing different stuff. Also helped with led intensity recommendations. A lot of help


Let me Toss a couple more out there.

@Heliosphear is an awesome sole who puts a ton of effort into making OG the place to be.

@buckaroobonsai is a giving and wonderful human being that is a joy to interact with.

@CADMAN is a skilled and friendly member that I am proud to call my friend.

The list goes on and on but suficive to say, OG is full of amazing people I am happy to be associated with.

You’re pretty cool too there @DirtySlowToes . OK, time for a swim. :v:


You’re not me are you? :joy:

What a kind thing to say. Thank you.

And might I add what great timing you have for a thread like this. There’s so much negativity floating around that this is a breath of fresh air.


Aw man this is an awesome thread idea :+1:

@THCeed Is just a stand up dude, resent me beans 3 times until they arrived - no questions asked.


there are some great people here, it’s a special place.

@Budderton is really something else though. perpetually iridescent!


I feel like I mention this person so often it’s probably annoying to them :rofl:

@Budderton has gifted me tons of seeds and even tons-er of knowledge and various advice. A very skilled cannabis tradesman. I’ve grown some of his gear & it clearly reflects his personal tastes & not what’s trendy in the moment, but that’s not to say he doesn’t work with modern stuff. BRAVO, SIR, you are a valued asset here at Overgrow :pray:


@DirtySlowToes has great thread ideas


@noknees @RookieBuds , thanks for your words. I appreciate them and they give me motivation to keep trying to make good selections.
There’s so many valuable members here I feel remiss to single an one out. From all the preservationists to the landrace fanciers to guys chasing the next big thing and the first time growers, we’ve got it covered and have a place for everyone it seems.
I will shout out Mr. TL. @Tlander has been and continues to valuable tester of OG genetics. Beans don’t sit in his fridges too long. He grows everything you send him, it seems! And if you ever want to test a strain against botrytis, he’s got the perfect spot.(in the rainy season :grin:) And not to mention all the Thai genetics that he’s sent out over the years. Or that he is a kind, conversationist.


I have not met one person through this group that was not cool, that in itself is amazing. With so many different personalities and backgrounds we share one common thing and everyone gets along. it be something if the world was like this group


Great thread! I don’t post comments very often, I’m way more into reading. When I do post it’s common for me to use short sentences or questions probably leading some to think that I’m being snarky or combative. I have this problem in real life also, people think I’m upset or uninterested because of my lack of enthusiasm and short replies. I’m genuinely trying to be better without forcing it.
So, to you folks who have had positive influences on my real-life mood and mental well-being, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

There are so many people here that are truly helpful and caring. Some of you guys check in on me more than my family, and I appreciate you! Some seem to have the patience of saints.
A few names come to mind- and this isn’t even considering their generosity to myself or the members here.
@DougDawson @Emeraldgreen @Rabeats2093 @Jetdro @Rhai88 @Mrgreenthumb @Heliosphear @AppalachianBiscuits etc. etc. lol.
Thank you all for helping me with your positive influences (even if you weren’t aware) :rofl:


Ah, thanks @tresbundles , appreciate you bud. Always nice to know someone is thinking good thoughts about another. :v: