I AM Bongholio™

That was from me that is the BBK X AH hybrid.


BADDAZSZ, COOL COOL, Once again, Thank you Very much I got a smile on my face so big that there’s only one other thing in this whole wide world. Could make it bigger.


Your very welcome. I hope you enjoy them.

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I hope I do good enough that we ALL Can enjoy them

Well if that happens I am taking you with me to Vegas. :rofl:

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Lmao! Your sister, ha ha ha


I’ve got some sick jokes

“asshole ibl” just killed me :laughing:


Does this mean a title change from
I am Bongholio to
I am Assholio? :laughing: jk


Your supposed to laugh WITH me,
Not AT me!:disappointed::disappointed_relieved::sob:
On a more serious note.
I must be getting soft, but i realized yesterday how much ya’ll mean to me, really, i love you guy’s, theres no other explanation. Because of the love y’all showed me, and i like being a man of my word.cause when you die, thats one of the onky 2 things you take with, that and your balls. i didn’t graduate yesterday. And these past cpke of yrs has me wanting to step up a level. I got caught up in a scam where wrecker drivers team up with property managers, post parking by permit only , all others will be towed. Well , ol 'girl calls me up, late night, i go see her, in the morning my car is gone. I went and got a temp. Parking permit when i got to her apartment. Management, said sorry, nothing we can do, towing company said , sorry nothing we can do.impound. yard said you need to leave before we call the cops. Well i didnt leave, tools, money, wallet, walmart, you know what im saying, you need to bring proof , your car, well when i visit late night calls i lock everything in my car except car key, how can i bring to verify when its locked in the car they wont let me go get it out of.this is where im graduating from, i earn a place on the not less than 9 list in my 40’s. Some of you might know, others aint gotta clue. When an officer, the pos crooked ones run my name. I love it. I watch their lower lip quiver, beads of sweat forming on their foreheads they look up from the screen at me, make eye contact and look away, i know what they just read. Call back up ,do not approach with less than 9. Cause 7-8 aint gonna make it. So just about 2 mins away from graduating, cause i was mad enough cause the fucking pig cops are protecting the fucking thieves, 10 + wern’t gonna make it. I was going to take’m all fuck’m this time. Im tired of it, 58 and had enough, then i thought of you guys. And the runs i promised, going back to jail, getting out and starting all over, ten cops cant hurt me, but the THOUGHT of letting you guys down hurts. fuck my car, fuck my tools, FUCK THE LAW!!.. flag and fuck this post to , i dont giva fuck.


I would never laugh at you my friend, honestly, just having a joke.
Sounds like you’re having a rough time.
I too had an exceptionally shitty day…
One of my friends passed from a Cancer battle he has been waging for years.
My eyes are red from his tears…
My wife went to visit our daughter,
this weekend (3 hour drive)
My daughter called and said Mum is in hospital, she collapsed and I had to call an Ambulance…
Not a great day… :pleading_face:
But! You know what? No matter how dark it gets, the sun WILL rise tomorrow and it WILL be a beautiful day.

Good vibes, keep it green

:v::green_heart: :smiley:


I know you were jokeing. I felt the love, no hate…i guy i know was buried yesterday from cancer. Sorry to hear about your day, i make the sun shine on rainy days now. These past three years have hardened the fuck outta me, but where theres the love i feel in this community, which is the same love i feel from my new puppy, it takes away the hate and anger the real puts on me.annd buries it. Sorry im whineing ^^^ upthere, but if i dont vent somewhere, its gonna be a bad day for 10- 15 more people in blue.i have to let it out somewhere, and yall know it aint towards yall


Please feel free to vent in my direction, whenever you feel the need, by pm if you need, my ears are always open and occasionally I spout sparks of wisdom.
I humbly apologise for making light of your feelings earlier, it was not my intention. Finding these forums have changed my life for the better, not only have I become a more proficient grower… I have met sooo many amazing people, it has literally renewed my faith in the human race.

:v::green_heart: :smiley:


@bunghole, calm down bro! Remember who is in control.

@Enlightened420 sorry to hear of your bad news.

Everyone though when we got out of 2020 everything would be great. Life is still a test, and it sucks most of the time.

Prayer and faith is all that gets me though.


:green_heart: :hugs: :green_heart:

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No offence taken @Enlightened420
I was just joking myself. I tell bad jokes. My bad. I knew before posting that post i would get a reply exactly like yours, i set you up so i could post my reply. What i think is funny , is to dry and raw for most. I need to quit it.
My fucked up attempt at humor.my bad.

We are ALL good in my BOOK
@Badger I KNOW BRO.!!
.i have to deal with them again today. Tomorrow. I vent here, they stay healthy, i stay outta jail. I got to try to get my car back. That means dealing with p.o.shit cops … Dont get me wrong. I know there are good cops out there. And im very glad when i deal with them. They are a Godsend.
But i know all have had to deal with the ones im dealing with now. You cant win. Your fucked, im just trying to take it with a smile. And fake it.

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Fuck the police !

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Just the crooked ones.
I can not tolorate Bad cops.
Uu weeeee. I zero on them hard

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Today we learned about not looking at people in the flesh. It was a good lesson.

All people are people bro

In my 60 years of kicking rocks, ive lost 3 cars and over $15,000.00 worth of tools to cops. The lowest form of life that crawls this dirt we call earth is a bad cop. In the neck. Funny thing is , they have never pressed assault charges on me. I caught one coming out his front door early one morning one his way to work. Wonder what he told them when he finally showed up, .beat the fuck up…
The look one his face when he opened his front door and i was standing there,PRICELESS.