I gots a question

yo guys, can a plant from a clone look exactly like a plant from seed?

I bought a clone from someone because the guy insisted that I did, the plant looks great but it looks like it was grown from seed.

I grew some clones outside last summer and the good ones definitely did not match a plant grown from seed. the good clones I had looked like monsters with tons of horizontal branches or whatever all bent kinda and stuff


Your clone should be a copy of its mother plant :thinking:


I think clones that look like they’re grown from seed are possible, yes… they need to be cut from the apical meristem of the mother, i.e. topping the mother. Those will have roughly symmetrical branches, while clones cut from side branches will branch asymmetrically. They just continue growing like the part of the plant they’re cut from.


i always grow from seeds and my plants always straight with symmetrical nodes branching and mostly hollow trunks. i watch video and see people grow clones and their plants are like small trees, and never symmetrical nodes.


as plants get older they switch to an alternate leaf formation, seed or clones, happens on both


this comes down to genetics and training, the clones you grew would have been cut off the mother stem which would encourage lateral branching vs a plant grown from seed that has its main leader, if this is cut your plant will also grow bushier, the rest comes down to genetics and maybe the clones were better than the seeds you had, in my experience plants grown from seed typically out preform clones outdoors due to the fact that plants from seed will have a tap root, which can be a big game changer just they need more training, topping at the fourth node is a good jumping off point


Very interesting info guys. Thanks for this.