Check your pants, happens to me so often my parents named me hashpants
I am not wearing pants.
Then it’s definitely stuck in your “wool”.
This is beginning to annoy me. It can’t be far.
Bahaha priceless!
Gold! Absolute gold!
Throw another gram up in the air, it will probably land right next to the lost one!
I’m beginning to feel this hash is lost forever. I checked the couch where I foud $1.20
I have checked using multiple light sources
I have tidied to make looking easier.
This hash is lost to history.
Oh no now I’ll just have to smoke the orange goji.
Probably should have started a new thread for that.
My procedures:
Check the fridge.
Verify that I’m not currently holding it.
Repeat the above at least three times.
Start day over.
I put it down. I know I did. Where…that’s another question.
Do you have pets? Mine are terrible bud-snatchers.
Yeah, but you’ve had a good laugh about “misplacing” it. Or at least we have.
You guys are mean I’m going to sleep and then my hash will magically reappear.
Hey wait that’s mine it wandered off!
I knew it was too good to be true… ( rolls it back down).
Seriously, when something is lost on our floor, I find it easier to use a good, strong flashlight (I like a tactical flashlight), not looking down from above, but rather having my face basically on the floor and peering along its surface. That way you may see the actual thing, but you may also see the item’s shadow.
I wait patiently for gravity to take its course.
I have done this and it still eludes me.