Removed*****plus some

Removed edit redundant


Totally agree


On point. :point_right:

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I don’t mess around :joy:


:rofl: I know my foreigner friend.

It’s very early here so I’m a little cracked out and just got my coffee.

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My mistake it’s late here, and I’m sober. And I saw I made this post and had to fix it.

And I are a danish and a butter tart. The wife will not be happy.

It’s 2:30 which is standard wake up time for me.

They were sugary and delicious.

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Now I’m hungry dangit

Am? I wake around 430

Yeah AM. This timing is typical for me. The sugar is not.

Better load you up a morning sesh bowl. Slow it down man. Sugar, now that’s a steep hill.

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I have other drugs for this time of night :wink: but I’ll hit the hash too

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Gosh I love that answer…and to top it off :wink: :laughing: wow

Like I said I don’t mess around.

My sleep is totally disregulated and always has been

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Everytime I see your avatar, which believe me. It’s often, it reminds me of the poster I have of the same dude holding out his hand with a smoking pipe. Sorry. But seriously straight to that picture :rofl: I need some thc

That’s probably Bob Dobs. He was famous for awhile.

Similar but different.

Yea I get it. As long as you can do that, I need a few hours at night. No more all nighters

I usually go 10-2 and then 5-8 give or take.

No lol it’s literally the same. I’ll take a picture for you, I’ll get that Pic when I get up to where it’s hung. :laughing: