I’ll trade you a poem for beans

I have a 5 pack of Mephisto Fugue State X Forum Stomper freebies.

Whoever writes the best poem below gets them.

Only rules are that it must be original and the deadline is whenever I log in tomorrow. :joy: I’m not gonna be a stickler.

I just want the beans to go to a good home.


tranquil piece of land
a sour, big lemon drifts
enjoying the soil

Thanks for the cool idea for a contest. Excited to see all of poets on here :slight_smile:


Who will be the Overgrow bard…



Roll it up, light it up, smoke it up
Inhale, exhale Roll it up, light it up, smoke it up
Inhale, exhale


A Haiku

Foggy aurora
A hazy Ceilingless tokes
out of cannabis



I have a hole in my bowl and need a nugget to plug it.


Beans beans the magical fruit
Throw them in dirt and they will root
Soilless DWC NFT who cares
I grow plants that will curl your hairs.


Love em so far!

I’ll join in for just for fun

My life overflows like a chalice
Simple life but it feels like a palace

Can’t feel too down,
When the sunshine abounds
And hot damn! It’s all around us.


A man named Ceilingless
found his moj was a bit of a mess.
He figured out what he lacked
smoked a joint front to back.
And now he’s all like “Jah Bless!”


zero topic guide lines? No style quid lines?


Seeds here, and seeds there,
We plant them anywhere.

We water, and they grow
Green legs, and red hair.


I once made a pizza with weed in it, ate half of it, got the munchies and reheated it.
Got the munchies again so I made another one. I am stuck in this paradox but It is fun.


( I am adding a rap verse for good measure. )
I rap between Promix bails for sound baffling.
I do pro mixes and sound battle em,
My flow switches, I time Travel em,
My pattering, is staggering,
Fly by like a javelin.
I run circles around earth
and turn it to Saturn and
start a gang so hard, we stab you in!.
I get insight by midnight ,
write by a dim light ,
spit lightning bolts straight out my fucking wind pipe.


Smoke inhaled,
Blown into the air,
Just exhaled,
Relaxing and bare,

The smoke rising,
To only fall,
Lungs inflating,
Clouds blown tall


Violets are Red Roses are Blue
Damnit that’s wrong, im so lit.
How bout you?


Heads from the sand`

It was a process of feeling an altitude of emotional awareness that was foreign to them both, to close, the depth of them was refreshing but also frightening, neither of the two had ever done anything other than bury their heads in the sand and flounder in denial around emotional awareness, the two chuckling in the daylight about how silly it is “the illusion of control” the cradle of heart and desire want and need, chase and feel chased, just the longing of knowing truth, silently they whisper secrets of retreating for safety as they allow each other to feel, staying prideful to call it something else, minds and hearts still riddled with doubt, eyes locked pulling what’s real from inside, skin torn with passion as lover’s their bodies play a symphony of truth not leaving a shadow of doubt, back to reality and scare as the world pours in after they separate to face the day, craving the next time they join so they can feel something true again, half their lives over- they lift their heads from the sand…


I like it.

The dim light reminded me of this:

“Blind or crippled
Sharp or dull
I’m reading the Bible
by a 40 watt bulb
What price freedom
Dirt is my rug
Well I sleep like a baby
with the snakes and the bugs”

Not a contest entry it would be plagiarism.



Cold Water. ( google helped me with that one lol )


Dear Cannabis,

I didn’t know a love like this could exist
How can you blame me that I couldn’t resist
With pheromones so strong,
you beckon me in,
let me know I belong.

I feel safe in your presence
It’s your very essence
Your sweet smell traveling through my senses,
I’ll never forget the first time I ever sensed it.

Expanding my mind,
giving me a purpose at this time
You are the embodiment of the divine
When I look at you it’s perfection,
every angle representing your depth and complexion.

So whole and complete
My heart skips a beat
At the opportunity to be on your team
Give and voice to your dream

You’re the very thing that we need,
to transform the greed into opportunity.
We’ll turn the world into our canvas,
and paint what we’d like to see.
You are the ultimate masterpiece,
guiding the brush smoothly.

Lady Cannabis,
You got me feeling so grateful.
Turning my body back into a temple
Healing the pain and guiding me to rearrange my state
Lifting me up to the highest place

You open the gates of creativity
Comfort me sweetly and ease the anxiety
You give your whole self for the good of society
Sharing your wealth,
and creating abundance inside of me.

It is my duty to share the essence of your beauty,
because Lady Cannabis you’ve been more than a friend to me.

You lead and I’ll follow
Your trichomes and crystals are leading us to a better tomorrow
Your love embraces the sorrow
Takes it in and nurtures the parts that are hollow.

My heart is forever yours,
I will stand by your side for the rest of my time.
Lady Cannabis, will you be my Valentine?