I’ll trade you a poem for beans

Promix bales stacked for the inhale
Slide to the prefect, we’re in a fire sale
Calamitous intent with the burning flame
THC gumming up my gravybrain
pounds to trim but not going insane
Cannabis and Cristal you don’t swim in my lane.

edit, yes the name Gravybrain is claimed for future use


Well, well, well…!
If Tom had ever known about it…! :astonished: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Abbbian saying hello to you friend!! @Foreigner

Btw, love the line, song, and artist…! in that order!! :seedling: :flushed: :hugs:


Well, well, well…!
I copied Kubrick…
'Cause life kcusses!!


This one isn’t mine but I liked it

Here is a Haiku I made for overgrow!


Harmonious they lived
Hand in hand with beast and tree alike.
Using no more than required and no less than taken.
Worshipping the earth as the giver of all things.

Until the interlopers arrived
With their gods made in their image,
They were empowered to take
To kill, to waste, to poison the world with greed.
To preach peace but declare war
To idealize compassion but act indifferently
Inequality the standard for all

But a world based on human gods cannot last
And in the end, when all is poisoned, the interlopers will fall
But the earth will remain
The earth will rebuild
And they will rise anew, and try again


Gnashing, biting, clawing, reaching
Always hungry, never satisfied, craving more
Fighting for scraps to feed the void in their souls
Not knowing that the nourishment they seek is found in presence
In humbleness and gratitude.
Ignorance drives them to desire ever more
And to let the beauty of what they have
Pass them by, unknown, unseen, unappreciated
Until it’s too late.


Ignored Breath

Sweet breath of steaming treats traveled

through the diner, the streets, lingered

and was ignored by all

but one. A lone little girl with dirt

upon her nose. Savory juices ran

down laughing chins, dripping

with the ending rains.

Her trembling fingers flicking

little dots of mold. Standing beneath

wondrous sights, dancing stars,

and the full moon’s light,

the poor girl ate. Tricked

by whispering breath she smiled.

Every swallow savored

she stepped into the night.


(Ok…one more just for fun. Not trying to enter a million times…just excited at the opportunity to share a couple poems! Also, love reading everyone’s poems, really great work :heart: )

Beside You

I see you resting in a blanket of haze.

Suddenly Im here, beside you.

With a cluster of wilted flowers at her feet a willow weeps before us.

Her tears fall to the earth, her wails race through my hair.

My heart plays drums, yours sits in silence.

You will never hear me and a sound may not escape me,

but you will always listen.

I taste the sea upon my lips as I try to say good bye.

I place a fresh rose amongst those that wilt in sorrow.

A kiss in the wind

The drums miss a beat.

The willow weeps behind me.


As you look out on OG with quiet contemplation

You wonder why the world is divided by nations

A place where all can be at peace

We all deserve that at least

For here we gather and show we care

For fellow growers and all they share

It’s not a place but more a thing

That binds us all through what life brings

So stand together one and all

Be true OG and head the call

We’re all together you and I

Brothers and sisters under the sky

The world can learn much from this place

Let’s show them how we live with grace

Accepting all who join our clan

Together life can just be grand


There once was a pirate named Bates.
He tried to dance on skates.
He fell on his cutlass.
Which rendered him nutless.
Now Bates refuses to skate.


lovely :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Mike and Doug that’s a good one. My poetry consist of four letter words sometimes.


@Pluckyevil is the winner! Send me a DM with a good address.

Loved everyone’s poems. This one spoke to me after much deliberation.

Thanks for everyone who participated!


Awesome and entertaining to read! Thanks to the contest creator and all that entered!


I enjoyed it as well. Peace


One sunny day I was riding my bike a lesbian jumped out flashed me I got a fright. I stammered and said that’s not right she flashed my her bum and showed me her Baker’s delight. I told her not to do it again .I didn’t do anything I’m a lesbian


Lmao ^^^^^^


What an honor! It makes me smile that it spoke to you and you enjoyed it. Not to mention…super stoked to win some seeds!

They sure sound awesome! Thanks for the opportunity. This was a great idea for a giveaway…I enjoyed reading everyone’s poems!!


yeah this was a good thread thnx for being creative. I’m mostly a lurker but i searched those strains on google and was like “yeah mud you want those” so, lol, tried to wax poetic.