…a few friends of mines suggested that i start a seed bank. They grow weed as well, but they say buying online is too expensive, and they’d rather pay me. Initially i wasn’t looking for any compensation for the beans, i was just spreading the love being that i was excited that my friends took up interest in growing bud. Thanks to them my clientele has grown a bit and I’ve been dwelling on the idea of starting a seed bank, but i have no real clue on how to start it.
I’d say first step is talk to an accountant and second get a lawyer. They should be able to direct you through the necessary channels to be legitimate.
Honestly if it’s just going to be more of a hobby I would treat it as such and just sell to your buddies and your buddies’ buddies.
Edit to say best of luck in your endeavor! I hope it turns out well for you and that you get exactly what you hope you will.
As long as the seeds come in those awesome optimus prime pucks I would say you got a good idea here! Probably good to talk with a lawyer and accountant as stated.
Throwing up a legal business might be a big undertaking and costly.
Could always go Seed Canary or Strainly.
Very saturated niche. Besides all the very good legal advice, I would also consider my marketing angle. Need a hard online presence, multiple payment methods, festival touring and plan of action for all the competition haters who will try their hardest to stop your attempt at success. Wish you the best of luck!!
Not worth your time. If you really insist the pain points are payment processing and marketing. Such a pain accepting credit cards and you’ll have to expect high transaction costs
IMO it’s really hard to compete with what’s already out there, unless you have insane hookups on retail beans
Or are we talking about seeds that you yourself have crossed or worked??
not sure of your local laws on seeds but unless you make 10k or more a year no one cares if you register anything. That is what the lady on the phone at the tax revenue place told me.
Start with a website, build relationships with the breeders you want to work with, and promote. Marketing is probably the biggest hurdle or obstacle your going to deal with, it takes time and nonstop social media engagements these days. As well as getting booths at local venues as well as out of state helps widen your audience. Also one of the biggest things once up and established is quick turnaround time, ship within a day or 2 of receiving payment.
Do you want to, as the title states, or are you thinking about it?
If its something you want, just make a simple webshop and go ahead follow your dream.
If its something you’re thinking about, I would go the Strainly route first, build a brand and a name. Go from there.
For me, it’s a clear distinction of thinking about something and wanting something. Maybe it’s different for you
I want to start a seed bank.
So what i do? Just go on Strainly and start an account?
I would sit down, do some research other then talking to us at OG. With research I mean, take a look at other seedbanks out there. What they have in common, what you liked and what you don’t like. Write everything down and from there it’s easier for you to conceptualize a website. Then do research in how you would be able to make a website for yourself. After that you need to research how you are going to market it. And then you need to research which breeders you want to carry and contact those, to see if they are interested in working with you.
Keep it safe brother!
Howdy @Hashton_Kusha there’s a few options that I’m aware of. Either everything above board with your local region and it’s licensing or sort of under the radar selling novelty collectible seeds, fishing bait or birdseed even.
If going the above board route I think the first step would be to contact your local department of agriculture and see if your region has a seed dealer license and anything associated with that. Simultaneously I would recommend looking into hemp licenses and any regional stipulations for selling hemp seed in your region.
If you’re able to do it on the up and up they will want to help you get licenced so they can tax you, here seed dealer licenses are taxed based on total sales. Hemp seeds here unfortunately can only be sold to others with hemp licenses. Those are some of the types of things I’d recommend looking into as they relate to your specific region.
Novelty collectible seeds have been the typical way most companies have done this for a while now, but I’m sure the nuances and subtleties therein depend greatly on your regional stipulations and such. Hope this helps. Many blessings and much love