I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)



360 joint rollers


See above for what i do all day now :sunglasses:


Very impressive. Thats how I’d wanna go


Funny shit man


Haha epic brother! I want those figures! I have 14”models of both and Hell Raiser and Freddy of course but I want POSEABLES! Only poseable I have is Candyman which I found at a garage sale in the box for 1.00$ lol mint :ok_hand:t3:


lmao i sat and watched this for like 5 minutes. i wish there was some voice over narrating


I love it too , I didn’t make it , was given to me by someone here I think , or maybe on rollitup

Fellow local grower who packed it in years ago when he closed his hydro store stopped in late last night . Back growing . He brought over his favorite he grew , AK47 . Said was from cut not seed .

Looked nice good coverage not dense but not larf either .Bit dry for my tastes , so I put the half z he gave me in Cannatrol last night . Smoking one now in yard .

Smooth , super floral/fruity taste. Sweet n sour also , then Earth . Pretty damn tasty and different than my flavor profiles .

Nice smooth smiling high but absolutely not what I grew from Serious Seeds late 90’s .
I got a 12 pack seeds , had 7 ladies . 4 were same , kinda like this . Actually sitting here now halfway through the joint I’m getting a better buzz now . Certainly Sativa heavy , very. Good head buzz on last big hit , it’s actually a lot better than I thought it was , lol .
Sometimes I have to smoke stuff a few times to get a feel for it .

Yeah , real nice high on half joint . No couch lock , all upbeat and bright . Joint tastes better more I smoke it . Gonna light it again .

Re lit joint tastes very sweet . Better than it started out as. Yup taste is sweet/sour , neat .

Very very nice High on it now :sunglasses: Perfect daytime smoke , lit like a Roman Candle now but clear and functional . Sativa is strong on this one , lol

Like Grape Pie . Really good taste , really nice fun pleasant High . Grape Pie tastes a bit better I think , however both taste great . The AK is stronger , by a bit . Both perfect do things go places kinda weed . Like Maui Wowie was in the 70’s . That kinda High

His name starts with an R , and I have always called him just R …… like the old High Times “connisuer “ who went by R


He doesn’t read this shit , but if he did I would ask if it grew well and produced decent . If yes to both , I would ask for a cut , lol , I’d run it .

I gave him a similiar amount of Lost Cake , to tell me his thoughts on it . He smelled the jar and I asked what it smelled like . He said dank


Be curious on his and his wife’s take on it .

So weird , it’s like Tuesday morning , I don’t have to work, don’t have to do anything for that matter , lol. Spent 15 minutes online paying bills yesterday , my monthly obligations are met . Cut grass cleaned pool early today , cooked 25 lbs of chicken for the pack , my month is done , it’s just weird still , not use to it .

I cleaned house in Mother tent last week , had a few in half gallons that were dup’s , they have been hanging on kitchen counter by window . Even though it’s summer her now , coming out of the 18 hour Mom tent they’re gonna flower now it appears . BOO

2 Mac 1 Lost Cake


Hey @ColeLennon

Your shit about to get interesting :sunglasses:


Trying to learn new lens, like day 32 or 33


I just brought them back inside. Plants need light :rofl:

3 days later

They don’t like cold nights and overcast days. Go figure :rofl:


well R might not read this but you know hes gonna ask for a cut of your loud cake now after trying it lol then you can get that ak47 from him!


Pictures look good as do the plants.


Thankyou @ShiskaberrySavior : )
All arrived safe and sound across the pond
: )


I know what I’m doing for next several hours

Use to be fun , wonder what happened .

Have so much I’m gonna run the 160 and 110 to dump , save the 90 and 73


ah fun fun! I got almost the same amount I need to wash… keep putting it off. Maybe one of these days… I don’t have a fancy machine yet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


jep sure looks like fun!! :upside_down_face:

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I have been putting it off , that’s about a third of what I have , gonna try and run it all , bought 12 7 pound bags of ice .

Gonna go get lit by pool while water in big cooler gets cold , then get after it .

I have lost my 120 bubble man bag, it’s just not here ???
Using a 110 from another set I have that are not near as good bags .

Wtf did I do with the 120……stoners always have shit going missing huh , lol

I won’t make bubble without the 100 buck mini washing machine anymore , too much hassle and a freaking mess . Already 91 F here , NOT doing it outside


man that sounds like a great day! sans that heat! I’m stuck at work for another 6 hours or so and it’s still 52 degrees outside.

Lost the 120!? well 110 should be good enough… I hate ordering those bubblebagdude bags but they’re the best. First time I ordered a 5 gallon set and they sent me a 25 gallon set instead :sweat_smile: Are you using or tried the All-Mesh bags or using the original kind?


I have had them like 15 years , his original set . $$$ but have had no issues still look like new. I clean after I make hash and put up clean