im pretty sure the low humidity from flower should get you to the end before anything shows. but thats a piss off for sure. i never dealt with bad pm but since being in this new place its like non fkn stop lol. sent every mom and clone i have into flower and will start new.
Good morning @Jetdro
A discord vendor? Which one? The only vendors I have met so far have been making mini clones in Agar and assuming that since they are performing a basic “tissue culture” technique that their micro-propagated apical tip clones are “clean” I have only seen micro propagation in agar media and have have yet to see one vendor performing actual meristematic isolation with subsequent analysis to verify cleanliness. Micro propagated clones aren’t tissue culture… they are just mini clones; cleaning a cut of pathogens would involve growing out and isolating clean meristematic tissue and not just taking tiny clones, putting them in an Agar media, and assuming they are then clean
Eagle 20 is overkill, you can get rid of PM with an oil-based spray… for example, spray an infected plant with JPS’ one-and-done and use it three times – 3 days apart. If it comes back it will most likely be because some spores have escaped and your space(fans, ducting, tops of lights, walls, etc…) will need to be thorougly cleaned
Number one is Permanent Marker
Number two is Lost Cake
That sucks hope the one makes it
Both look great
everything you can pick from has already been tested three times. He is testing them all again as well. I think the whole point is doing it so testing can continue on current varieties as well as some new ones he is bringing in that will make available. Win-win for everyone.
People have been having shit numbers pop up on those cap junkies I’ve been told by three others now with varying degrees of success, but for the most part it’s about 15-25% success rate, it’s almost like there is something on the shell they can’t shake, it coats them in this gel like substance and is dissuading the initial growth from leaving the shell or something. Very odd I know @dna917 has had horrible results and can explain better.
MAC crosses tend to have really poor germination rate in general…
The solo Lost Cap I have is one seed from 25 placed in ground that made it , only 1
See, yet another. And that’s absolutely ridiculous! 1/25 come on. I have about 25-30 here, I’m gonna put them to the test next pop “for science” and see what’s up but it’s gotta be genetic or that gelly slimy stuff that seems to be coating the husk
Do you have any hypochlorous acid? That slime, and the reports of large numbers of seeds damping off, sound like bacterial or fungal infections… I would sterilize the outer shells when I popped those; just in case
I made mine myself . Same male that produced them also produced 100 percent germ rates on the other cross’s Mac does not seed well is all .
I do not but may try and get some. @herojuana.tom good idea
I just scrape / shave the light varnish coat of the seed off with a razor blade , then no soak , just straight into wet/ damp but not shiney wet , soil or paper towels ( I give side ridges one extra go too )
My got to for 15 or so years has been ….I usually scrape the keel edge with a scalpel, then very lightly Sand the rounded parts and edges to ensure water permeates much better. Honestly 1 time I’ve EVER had issues and a lot was my fault
A razor blade shave or a metal nail file does a nice job : )
That varnish is like a weather proof barrier , sometimes it’s weak but sometimes it’s too good
My stonner brain thinks that if seeds are inbread too much it’s a survival mechanism so they can travel way farther away than normal ( birds stomach or foot trafic etc etc ) and outcross to something new
I still like the looks of the hype shit better
but guaranteed your cross will stomp it
Looks honestly don’t mean a damn thing anyways
That #2 lost cake pic. Is one that you want to submit for the next calendar. Mornin.