I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Even the labs that are actually running HPLC for their results have high variability, the app can’t be any better than the eye test.


Day 33 Tent 2 and 3 Cereal Milk starting her color show. Will be flat amazing in 2 more weeks, every color of the rainbow will be in her , you will be able to pick her out, lol. @Heritagefarms

Tent 1 having issues. Plants seem to be hungry. Lights off, hit them with some Urban Farms food mixed in my sprayer for foliar. See if it helps some. Could be the temps, been cool in the tents, cooler than i like them to be, like 74F , want 80+

Tent 1 lights off eating some foliar spray.


Wedding Cake

Grape Pie

Cereal Milk, getting her show on

Now to figure out whats going on in tent 1


Rate in order Mac , WC and CM please

I thought Mac was the boom
And so was WC


Mac And WC BEST i ever had to be honest. Taste, look, power.

Sent out 5 packages of them , EVERYONE liked Mac 1 WC 2

Personally, i LOVE WC and is my all time fav. Mac is just as tasty, just as strong, if not more so, but i like WC better. The taste just suits me, the hard fast high too. Mac not functional all day for me like WC is.

At night i mix the 2 50/50 and its an amazing taste and GREAT HIGH!!!

Cereal Milk…oh CM, lol. Had 6 months or more, NOT smoked MINE YET. You know what happened. The bud was not usable for smoking.

The sample i had (bought) was ALL THAT! Best smell EVER, best taste EVER. GREAT HIGH.

The ones in Tent 3 look 100% . Check out the colors already. Will get incredible in next 3 weeks time.
IF it comes down like what i bought…YEAH, right with MAC/WC power, taste, smells.

Will know soon :sunglasses:


Yeah that’s what I think too. I like wedding cake better than mac1. Both tasty, both potent, but WC just a :pinching_hand: better imo ^^
It’s more functional which I need most of the day.


Cool I’m so glad that Mac is so happy in my garden

I’m still pissed that I couldn’t save the WC

Some we win some we loose
I must have 4 maybe 5 going now lol :joy:


I don’t think I will ever be without Mac or wedding cake again


ME TOO. I have Mac under control now and happy, took forever, cut was not real healthy , but she is 100% NOW!!!

WC STILL refuses to root! The 2 i have now, like day 20 NO ROOTS . The adults are just fine, no more mites, but early veg and rooting she SUCKS AT, lol!!!

NEVER FEAR Pop’s. I have 6 more BIG cuts of her under dome. Some of them and hopefully the 2 earlier will root. I will get you a rooted cut sent out when it happens. Not seen anything from you :sunglasses:

I would rate Mac 1 Cap’s Cut (and she IS the real cut BTW) a solid 97 out of 100. I would rate Wedding Cake 99 out of 100. Both are PLENTY strong, even testing at 16%(lol) and both taste 100% amazing. Power on both is way over casual smoker’s level’s, looks, smells, all dead on, as you KNOW.

Something about the thick creamy smoke and incredible high from WC resonates with ME. It is what i reach for when i want to get a buzz. Would smoke her anywhere and anytime, Mac can bee too much at times.

Were i trying to impress a visitor…Mac 1 is comming out…lol. A big sparkly Bud of her is hard to top.


Hi bigs cuts I fine they root quicker with 3 in cuts with very little vegetation on them

The ones in the corners are 15 days only 1 rooter others only 6 days old

Last time mac rooted in 10 days


What i did…long ass 4-5 inch cuts, ONLY top leaf’s left on .


Mac looks damn near prehistoric leaves are amazing love the structure she came out of a funk in the Octopot


Mom will not be taken down till i get rooted cuts in Dixie’s of her. I need to give THIS PLANT out to many, SO I HAVE A BACKUP and never lose her.

When i get rooted cuts of her im gonna spread some out. Gave Mac to 4 folk, she SHOULD be safe. DO NOT let her go POP’s!!! DO NOT!!!


Hay new mini octo


If it ever warms up here I’ll take the chance one border jumps my way .
I’d hang onto it for ya.


No bro I got you covered if you need I’m keeping her and Frankie around

Once I make room I’ll take a WC and some new testers to run if you don’t mind
Mrs I believe has forgiven me so all cool lol


ONCE IN OCTOPOTS…she becomes HAPPY. IT IS: the watering, she HATES WET FEET, VERY picky on her watering. VERY. Gotta let her cups go DRY DRY before watering or she will complain.

THAT PLANT looks 100% Papa!!! Good job. YES, how i describe her too…prehistoric…Lost Cake looks thst way too in early veg.

She flowers VERY WELL…will make hard big buds down low too…her weight is heavy, she will yield 2x what you think she will. My LITTLE first one gave up 5 Z’s of PRIMOI bud!


I placed 4 Mac with the WC 20 days ago. ALL 4 Mac rooted by day 10 too. She is finally happy now.


I will send some when your weather warms, just let me know. Ill send big rooted cuts, they will make it.
Wanted to send her to Doug Dawson but due to prior issues he doesnt feel it is safe. NO ISSUEon my end, dont use my name or addy. Ill send it safe and smell proof nuff…


THAT is Mac ! Cap’s Cut

HAPPY!!! @Papalag


I have Frankie , not run her yet, but she grows SUPER WELL!!! SUPER HEALTHY plant. Will run her

You smoke her yet??? Worth my trouble keeping her??? I also have FEM FRANKIE SEEDS :sunglasses: