Ideal conditions for each stage when aiming to grow seeds?

Hi Y’all!

With all the love I’ve been given here on OG I am eager to set myself up a small 2x2x4 tent in which to generate seeds to give back to the community. In all my endeavours in growing, this is the first time I am aiming to crop beans rather than sticky flowers and am curious what are the suggestions for getting the best results?

Things I’ve gleaned from reading through the topics here include suggestions such as applying pollen in week 2 of flower directly to pistils via a brush, & also what to look for as the beans ripen.

What i’m really curious about is if my feeding schedule needs to change? Is the flush period the same or is there even a flush period? Etc.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions and if there was already a topic on this I apologize for missing it in my searches! (and please direct me to it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: )

And now for fun here is Bubbles my Cockatiel sending you all love:


I don’t know why, but my freakshow seeds are almost double the size of normal freakshow seeds. I grew them in organic soil, I don’t know if that’s why or what I fed to do it.

I usually supplement them through the whole grow with roots organic grow and bloom, during flower; HPK and LBS. Lots of molasses, used every other water. Coconut water about every 2 weeks during flower too. Early flower I use a bit of kelp extract to help with lateral branching.

Oh, LEDs and cmh in my flower tent


Thank you @anon93244739! Does this supplement schedule differ from when you are growing for flower?

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Treat everything the same and week two is a bit early if going for lots of seeds, ideally the more pistils and calyxs that get hit with pollen = more seeds, so consider weeks 3 to 4 for say a 9 week variety.

@anon93244739 one it’s genetics and calyx size though I have found that a more sparsely pollenated plant where the upper bud sites get hit will produce bigger seeds than say a heavily pollinated plant, as it’s a matter of energy diversion.


The few times I’ve made seed it has been by pollenating a few branches with a qtip. Expect a little overspray but not much if you are careful.

So my goal was both seeds and flowers at the same time. It got treated the same as any other plant in flower.

You might want to polllinate later as there will be more pistils and seeds take about a month to mature.

It really depends on how much seed you want to make. I don’t remember exactly to give you numbers but it was never a ton of seed. Maybe 100-200.

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Nah, I always fed the same. This run I’m attempting only calmag supplementation in coast of Maine : Stonington blend .


@Mr.Sparkle , @Foreigner , @anon93244739 : thank you so much for all contributing to my notebook! :smiley:


Iv only done four runs, but if your looking for max seed production I would let the females grow flowers for 3 or 4 weeks as @Mr.Sparkle stated above. I suggest open pollination. When your plants are ready for pollination turn a fan on low behind your male/males and shake them a couple times a day for a few days.
If you only want a few I would use a q tip, dab in pollen and tap the q tip over the flower.
I don’t think medium has anything to do with it as long as your plants are getting proper nutrition. Good luck and happy growing!


How much coconut water do you typically use with watering? Do you use canned coconut water, or straight from a coconut?

I see recipes involving powdered coconut water but I’ve never seen such a product in my locality.

I get the Kroger simple truths organic little box thingies. I mix about 1 pint into a gallon, people say it’s way too much, but I haven’t seen any negative effects from it. Hell I’ve poured it directly into a planter to see what would happen and it was fine.