Kfc lovers ~ real or fake?

Hello You Great looking OGer’s

Ok here is the dealio, a few nights ago I was watching the KFC ad but the bucket was green and new ad for their chicken nuggets or are they?? :thinking:

I was watching a New York City Top Food Critic who explains he felt like he was eating shit and flames in his mouth and tong, does anyone agree??

The company he explained is the exact kind of company like the company that made the IMPOSSIBLE Whopper from Burger King which was a huge success… This company is trying to compete with their success with the whopper, NYC Critic said NO WAY …

Yes My Vote :crossed_fingers:

Gag Gag :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


I once found a deep fried head in a bucket of kfc so I guess that’s beyond.


I do have a turkey head I’m holding after I chopped it off to do my entire
taxidermy Turkey skull , Spikes , Beard…

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Eat this.
Much healthier.


:laughing: :vulcan_salute:



I haven’t tried em but I’ve heard from a couple people that they weren’t very good. Granted I do like Popeye’s better than KFC so maybe I’m prejudiced against the colonel :man_shrugging:


If I’m spending $40 on some chicken, I’m getting chicken, not beyond chicken…just regular chicken…lol.
Plants are for closets…lol


Fake meat fake chicken :chicken: wtf is next fake weed oh they got that too
F$&@ me :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:next thing fake pussy oh they got that too :disappointed::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rofl:


I’m calling a personal foul on KFC!


The horror! Where does one go exactly to avoid this sort of thing!?

Looking at the beyond meat products they take peas and ship them around the world to strip out all the nutrients through various industrial processes, then process the remaining slurry into something resembling food.

I can’t imagine any vegetarians or the health-conscious alike actually eating this slop. Then again McDonalds remains a successful fast food chain, so apparently I don’t know jack about what people will and will not eat.

I can’t say I’m above judgment either, I had some popcorn chicken from KFC last night. It was good in a can’t get the grease off of your tongue kind of way.

Personal fowl


Ha! Good one. I wasn’t that witty this morning.


The thing that confuses me is if you choose to go plant based (which is a fine/fair decision, just not for me) then why would you want to simulate meat? What’s wrong with a lentil?


While I’m glad we are in agreement, I suspect we are far from the target demographic.

Some substituted meat dishes are fantastic, like tacos made with beans. Actually this substitution works deliciously in a whole slew of latin american recipes.

I don’t care what anybody says, buffalo seasoned baked cauliflower is nowhere near the same level as chicken wings.

According to the beyond meat wiki they only had one end-to-end processing facility operational in 2021. Before that they had to ship the raw goods across the continent and in some cases internationally to go from healthy food to final product, or so I read in a local newspaper during the launch of A&W’s beyond meat offerings. This also seems to run contradictory to the farm-to-table ethos espoused by so many vegetarian restaurants (at least in my area).

I’m a big cheapskate though, brown rice and peas can be had for a mere nickel and they are delicious too. Especially with a nice roast chicken leg. Now that’s good eating!


Agreed. But I was more talking about tofu shaped like a chicken. I saw one the other day.

I even like tofu. I take TVP camping as a staple. But I just think it’s strange to avoid meat and then eat things shaped like meat.

At the beginning of covid I told Mrs Foreigner we should buy a 50# bag of rice and a 50# bag of beans.

I even traded weed for a 50# bag of flour :rofl:


A sweet lady offered me the “good cut” of a tofurky around thanksgiving. Very kind gesture but sorry honey there is no such thing as a good cut of tofurky


I would eat it and smile if offered but there would be quiet judgement for sure.

And don’t get me started on turkey bacon. It tastes like a bandaid.


I tried my best….:neutral_face:


I like Turkey bacon but it shouldn’t carry the holy word BACON. That is sacrilege. Clearly


Can’t say I’ve ever eaten a bandaid. Your culinary taste are very diverse!


I think I hate it because my parents used to try to make me eat it when I was 8 years old and to my childish mind “this ain’t no bacon I ever heard of.”