If you won the lottery what would you buy? :)

Never hurts to ask. :smiley:

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I’m down. How can I get in?

OMG!! Isnt that how it is!! When ya got money, EVERYONE loves ya!! Thanks for the chuckle!!! :laughing:


He looks like a fatter fat meatloaf :laughing:

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I would buy a modest house in the middle of no where, farm trees and smoke my brains out and tell everyone to leave me alone if they aren’t invited.

Call it the funny farm achers with a straight jacket and a cannabis leaf as the flag.


Pay off my bills, quit my day job and retire and overgrow in peace.


Amen my brother…AMEN!! :grinning::+1:

Bahahahahahhaha!! :joy:

Pay off my debts/bills and make sure my mom/dad/sister never had to worry about bills again.

Then whatever was left I dont care lol

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It will be hard to translate it, but let’s try ^^

With a bit of everything in the capital. Very versatile. In staying very “liquid” to can close the positions fast. So low exposition on life insurances, obligations (T-bond etc) …

Mostly “short” i think if it was now, or only on indices i don’t know. With CFD on USD/EUR/CHF. Just the time to reach the cruiser speed, twos or three years. When the engine is full throttle, i will mostly invest directly in a pool of little companies, to wait the one than will pay all others with bonus ^^

Mixed with gold/diamonds and traditionnal valors (not papers i mean) but no real estate during maybe 10 years, outside the main house, in staying reactive to the inherent bargains than are coming (here). The main mass of owners here is pretty old and have enough to saturate the market during years, time bomb.


@_randomguyinthewoods hey brother we might be broke but we’d have lived and have the best stories at the homeless shelter.


Appreciate the words Fuel. You seem to know what your talking about. Im impressed… :blush:


@Fuel damn you man. After reading that now I’m wanting to “work it” and “work it” good! Also…a little aroused😜


Careful Epstein just got in trouble for that :+1::joy: