Finding the one when all The Man lets you have is the tip?🤷

Basically wondering how to select a keeper when per household plAnt count (legally) is 8 (total) with 4 mature…kinda vague. Prime example of dipshit politicians making laws when they know nothing of what they are trying to control/cash in on somehow …hmmm

I know what I have done/am gonna do (maybe)…but how do you party people make it happen?

My past method was to trust the genetics I had were uniform and were as described to me via the catalog…:rofl:and keep the female that seemed in veg the most robust…cause I’m nieve I suppose.

Potentially an extra space devoted to veg in my specific case but…just unusual luck :person_shrugging:


Legal count and hunting for keepers from seed dont really fit in the same order of ideas.

I usually encourage low count licensees to look into classic clones, vouched by many, over multiple years.

Second option is to ignore all laws and do what needs to be done.

Cant be gangsta in slippers my man haha

*dont break laws



Bruh…lol I get ALL of that…and definitely willing to do what needs to be done…for science.

My thoughts too mostly

Licence will be happening (micro business) allows up to 3000 ft/SQ so …but I wanna keeper now…lol. Major first world problem’s I know


Biggest worry really is “tha jackers and that dope fiends”

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Well… self found keepers just pop up from time to time regardless of numbers ran so its still possible with lower counts.

So yeah either grow a few round within limits and hope for the ganja luck to be on your side, or partner up with someone with too much space that might need a hand… clones or 1 big outdoor run under the table.

The “evasion 100” cant be taught i think. I was with the same girlfriend for 10 years and while together i grew ridiculous amounts of weed. To this day she doesnt know i grow now or ever did…


@Mithridate dude that’s wild…the double life thing I mean…or whatever ya wanna call it…you have admirable discipline

Admit nothing,deny everything, make counter accusations

I mumbled that in my sleep to my ex…she was not amused


Its only wild from an outside look. Older growers will attest to this being the norm amongst them or at least used to be. Fight club like rules etc.

I still roll oldschool :wink:


I understand that sentiment :+1:

Me and my ex when I grew 20 yrs ago were in it together although I’m not sure about her comment to security considering she had to sample every penis which came within sniffing distance…she was the cause of a few security leaks​:rofl::rofl::grin::person_shrugging:

Diff ex than the one I sleep talked some bullshit too lol

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Thats rough…

The one time i opened up about my growing was to invite my best friend at the time into it. He just had a newborn and was worried about money etc. Within 3 months the girlfriends were casually chatting about me growing a bunch of weed over supper at a restaurant.

I immediately dismantled every room the guy knew about… erased every trace, rented the apts and talked to him like he was crazy, imagined everything to make himself look cool etc

Stay safe out there bud


I have a similar experience telling my buddy years and years ago and soon enough some rando came up to me and said “you grow awesome weed.”

Blabber mouth assholes. Everybody wants to sound like they’re part of something cool.

Tell no one.


Yup…both absolutely right. Less of a worry in a legal state. In my area fines for sure but no jail unless you are really poking the bear. Many larger fish to fry for the jackers and our most gracious reptilian overlords


Back then a pissed off ex girlfriend could land you in jail for a long time.

Now it’d just be a ticket. For me anyway.


My plant count is between only me and my higher power of choosing😂.

Like everyones saying keep it on the low low. And flower plants real small, and stuff em in! Cops dont usually care about a 5x5 with 80 little plants. But if you stuffed 80 chest high plants in the backyard, youll get some unwanted attention. Dont ask me how I know lol


will you get the license if they catch you with toomany plants now? food for thought…


Damn Bro, that’s some serious stealth secrecy. Like next level CIA/ninja shit. Nicely done :+1::sunglasses:



Some of my closest friends still tease me about how i must have escaped from a gov super soldier program as a kid lol


That’s a good question. Over limit here if you got caught some how is just a fine up to a certain point…not sure it would come up or not

Couldn’t resist sorry :laughing:


I had that in my head since post #2, thanks for posting. :rofl: