What was your "big break"

People of overgrow, I know there’s a few of you floating around that are… “succesful”??? I guess lol.

What was your big break, turning point what ever you want to call it that changed your life from working to survive to breathing easy. And what helped you accomplish that


Still working on it, pal :laughing::laughing:

I put everything on crypto!! :laughing::rofl::rofl: (I did not, lol)


Inventing my Invention from a crayon sketch to self mailing my Idea to the post office unopened with date Invented ( called a cheap mans patent ) sold my product until Dick’s came along purchased my Invention use it today and I still hold my design patent but spent my money on lawyers, taxes, partridge in a pair tree…

I have on my legal design patent in Virginia “The one the only original bat-cap” They DICK’'S modified the cap here is the result.


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I used to make 2k an hour plus flights and hotels when I was djing money isn’t everything at the end of the day
I’m more happy with my life now


Working as a runner at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange at the age of 21…Worked my way up the ladder and retired at the age of 45…


Probably the first time the start up company I worked for got purchased by big pharma. Significant pay increase, incredible benefits, and better resources. Now I’m back at a start up hoping to do it again. Only this time I’m financially invested in the start up.


When I was in high school, I joined a COE program that ended up working at the city part time which eventually led to my getting on full time there by the time I was 19. The first year I was full time I worked with an older guy that was retired and learned a lot from him about how to handle my money.

I’ve never made a lot, but I’ve always got by with a little less than I made. As a result I haven’t even had to think about money for at least 7 years. I’m retired at 53.

Dumb luck with a little bit of paying attention to people that were smarter than me.


Only buy what I could pay cash for. Only took loans for credit. Had enough to retire at 49.
:green_heart: :seedling:


I’m too tired to “retire”. Missed a really big break in the stock market by 12 hours, was seeing the action but couldn’t trade my stocks and options due to lack of connectivity on the ski mountain (about 20 years ago). Cost me 750kusd!! Had fun in the powder snow that day…:neutral_face:


:green_heart: :seedling:

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Easy come, easy grow…!

Got my big break after 40 years of work.


I got fed up with big promises that never came through from ownership/upper management of a small business I was working for, for over 5 years.

That lead me to look for something new. I happened across a remote job posting on Reddit of all places, for an interesting tech startup I had heard of and was excited about. It was the worst possible job I could have taken there: overnight support.

I worked my ass off in that role to learn the tech as well as I could, and did a lot of strong networking internally and outside the company with trusted partners. I am now in a much more senior role, and the company is no longer a startup, but a very successful publicly listed tech company.

I’d say the key themes that got me here were:
-frustration (a key driver to look for something new)
-high level of ownership over my work
-kindness & openness
-constant desire to learn


I dont really quantify my success as a monetary value. Although it sure does help :slight_smile: )
I have a beautiful family that I adore, small key group of friends that would lay down on the tracks for me and I them. Hobbies that are rewarding and fullfilling and challenging.
And to be quite honest my biggest ahhaa moment was getting off of social media. Once i realized that it is everyones artificial utopia that you chase everyday a whole new world opens up. Be happy with yourself and if your not work on it. Love and be loved
A little different of a response than you were prob looking for but that is my outlook.

Dont live beyond your means to impress anyone and be as self sufficient as possible. My .02


Naw that counts. I contemplate ditching Facebook daily lol

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5 years on the wagon @Grease_Monkey. Do it, you wont regret it!
Edit, no 4 , sorry


My biggest break in life was when I began reading Bible scriptures and fear of the Lord Almighty :pray:t5: made me change my sinful nature got me off tha streets and focused on my family. Raising 4 boys to men and 4 girls to respectful women was my New focus. Gave my young wife respect and helped her follow her goals. God has blessed me with responsible successful children and my wife earns the bounty. I have twenty years of underground utilities expert under my belt and 30 plus years of hustle and grind to work with. In all fairness I give God the glory!
My life is very peaceful


Never had a big break per se.

What I did do was grind and build a digital marketing company and carved out my own little corner in the industry.

I got sick of working for others who had no appreciation for staff and ventured out on my own. It wasn’t easy but I went from being broke to living comfortably and I don’t answer to anyone. It took 18months to get established and from there it took off.


Very good advice…this is how people get into financial problems nowadays…keeping up with the Jones is not always a good thing.

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Marrying a frugal woman :rofl::rofl::rofl: lol

For real though. … when i was 24 my credit score was like 5 :rofl::rofl:. Now I’m in the 790s and can obtain loans easily if needed. I credit her for most of that.

We’ve just kinda learned to reign-in our frivolous spending. … hell, a #1 at your local fast food joint is like 15 dollars now. Shit’s expensive. Know what isn’t? --growing your own. :wink::heart::heart: