Illudium Now

Sounds like a fun one to have in the stable. It’s unique in many ways it seems. That leathery, blue hue. Especially love those ones that taste incredible as soon as they’re smokeable. Why do the slowest growing, least producing plants make the best buds? :drooling_face:

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Like all of them all of them? I mean even just acquiring one of these classic Ohio strains would make my whole growing year but all of them would blow my mind! I am already just blown away at how active, friendly and encouraging everyone here is! Thank you for getting me this excited I don’t want to assume anything so I’m not sure if you are willing to share these sacred genetics but I am gathering hope just knowing they are still around. :pray:


Ill pm you


We all about sharing the love homie. Just remember to share it back with someone else when you’re able to.


Thank you so much friend! That is precisely what I feel the plants want and absolutely my intention to do so some day hopefully sooner than I imagined.


It’s been 2yrs. since I sent you Vietnam Vietnam Thunder Fuck cuttings and I’m still waiting for the Illudium cuttings, your trade? Any chance I’ll get to grow them this year?


Free99 you say


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What up bromigo? Are you gonna honor our trade?


Good call. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I was just joking i just wanted to use the dr evil gif lol

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I guess not, in all the years, over 20+ yrs. that I’ve been in Overgrow and ICMAG I have never ever screwed anyone on a trade, theres not 1 person that can say that I’ve ever screwed them… @SkunkHunt101 how many members have you screwed over, it’s been over 2+ yrs. your Illudium cuttings should be rooted by now…at least acknowledge these posts…


Sorry to hear about the dude ghosting ya brudda, but at least you can say your patient lol.

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By @SkunkHunt101 not honoring his trade, it had a ripple affect…because a few members at ICMAG that I traded with were expecting me to honor my trade with them, you know what I mean…
I promised them the Illudium cuttings after they sent me seeds/clones…thankfully 2 of them are in Overgrow and they’ve seen this post and they know I’m not a bullshitter and I’m the one that got screwed on the trade…
I been was a member of the old Overgrow since 2000 and ICMAG member since 2004 and as I said before I’ve never fucked over anyone on a trade till now on 2024…I know for a fact @SkunkHunt101 has seen these post and still no reply/comment from him…here’s his activity sheet.


I never was able to get the Illudium cutting again it got killed and my dude that had it got kidney stones and shut down…Reading the thread helps to understand what happened. Im still working on hooking up with the closest person to me the Illudium guy here in my area .Thanks for reminding me . I have alot going on. I thought I sent you like 10 packs of seeds in return for the VTF? I only ran it 2 times and had to chop it. Never heard back about any of the seeds I sent , Electricians had to come into the house the VTF as good as it was , it had to go.

No you never sent me anything, seeds wasn’t in the trade we made…you had the strain when we made the deal.

This was the last message you sent me

All you had to do was step up to the plate and man up instead of completely ignoring/lying to me…so why didn’t you send it to me in the fall? What’s your excuse for not sending it???

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I’ve got a rooted Illudium available to someone who has experiences with her in the past or has been looking to get hands on her for a while.



I’ve been wanting to grow her @hoss8455 . What a unique plant. Would you mind if I share it around if you do send her my way?


I see a lot of talk on her being tasty af and slow growing, but not really anything about the high at all. Just hype on “best plant”. Anyone got any details on how she actually smokes? Up? Down? up then down, down then up? pain relief? functional day time weed or after work couch weed? Etc… :pray:


It’s fairly low potency by modern standards. I find it to be quite physically soothing and sensual. I also tend to lose things frequently when I smoke illudium.