I'm back to growing after 11 years hiatus - grow log inside

Je , je… In other places owners uses told against dog, cats or children…: Welcome home.
Best beaches in the South Island coast…N yare were same Spanish landraces sativas still grows…N wonderfull African/HispanicAmerica crosses with these Spanish Sativas… I shows same in the “Landraces thread” in Breedin threads…
Same of the plants are gigants or 3/4 or more metros…

Borra tu mensaje si te he hecho hablar de mas sobre tu localización y perdoname…
Btw, If ya cames to the European part, Im here, in the mountains where the Iberic Linx n Wolfs lives, with the Imperial eagles n “buitres”: Welcome to my mounts:
Based in a true history happend here during the 60’s… The last " Wolf man" of Europe: livin from child to teenagers with wild wolfs.
As ya can see, are the same landscapes I shows arround me in The Dogs House… But no beach or top-less n tanga girls, Im sorry!


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Nice show.

Used to get black domina about 10 years ago and was s true head banger. Got some amhurst sour diesel beans myself so will be interested to see how yours turn out.

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The Super Lemon haze is definitely a strange one… She’s @ 5th internode and already starting to alternate branching… all the other strains even @ 9th internode are still pairs.

The 3 chocolate mint are all very similar with only difference the reddish of the branches and leaves stems, absent in one, increasingly present in the others

The mobs are though plants… Already large as a finger, bumpy as a cropped plant…


The bubblegum after a slow start is starting to look decent…

Domina and MOBs have had the bigger fan leaves removed already to promote lower stems growth to allow to cut a few clones​…


Sour D are the less exciting ones, as of now…


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5 days of 12/12 , nutes been changed to start flowering formula on day 2 of 12/12 after roots been washed/flushed in plain water (ph5.4).
Some pics…

More pics…


last saturday i took 3 clones ( mob1,mob3,bd) to see if I’m still able , and to try the bubbler rooter I’ve made. after more then 10 years since I last cutted a clone I was expecting 1 to root if good… well… looks like I didn’t loose my " good hand" and I did a good job on the rooting box… 3/3 rooted and are now in soil to become bonsai mums…( I need to practice back again all that…)
some pics later…

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Great to see another bubbler setup… Bubblers are best! :smiley:

Good luck, you have nicely filled canopy!

Have you started from seed? Correct me if I’m wrong but alternate branching is sign of “maturity” (readiness to flower switch)…

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It is definitely a maturity trait, that’s why its really strange that it was showing maturity after 15 days since seed sprouted.

@MiG : tu es mucho más experto en sativas qué yo, qué piensas de esto ? Muestra maturidad desde 15 días da semilla…

Nunca lo había visto… Incluso hay autoflorecientes que tardan mas en mostrar ese patrón alterno. Quizá alguien con mas experiencia si lo haya visto antes…
Habrá que observar ahora si esa ramificación alterna va seguida de otros signos de maduración (preflores en tallo; disminución del numero de foliolos de las hojas…), o la planta madura tomándose el tiempo “normal” y no pasa de mostrar esa ramificación alterna prematura…
Muy curioso… Gracias por comentarnoslo.

PD: Y la S.L.Haze es de las pocas variedades de G.H. con fama de salir siempre buena … Espero que lo demuestre contigo…

Gracias hermano, esta es una Slh CBD , 1 de 3 es buena, una mutante completa (dejada) y una nacida y muerta…
Miraremos qué pasa…

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La madre que parió a GreenHouse… Con razon están siempre de Expedición Seed Hunters…para no tener que fumar de lo que sale de lo suyo, je…

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More pics…


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I love the olive green color. I strive for that. I can’t tell in the photo but if it has that emerald glow then you my friend are locked in and on turbo. (my opinion)

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the ladies looks good, buds forming everywhere, some stretching from the bg and chocomints, less from the ASDs; the mobs pratically didn’t stretch… most compact plants I’ve ever seen…
i started yesterday (day 15 of 12/12) adding some pk13/14 and some hesi bloom booster (trying it first time as the shop didn’t have my old friend bcuzz there).
Sunday will be root flushing with 'zymes and nute change day…

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some pics …
Day 16 of 12/12

chocolate mint og

sour diesel


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A few pics of the buds starting to pack …




My BubbleGum was the slow pheno too in veg. That issue aside though, all the training and time is paying off in bloom.

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