I'm still confused

Hello Dyno Breeders…

Ok I know that if a male pollenates a female you get reg seeds correct so far?

Now here is where I’m confused and need a lesson… I bought all female seeds and 2 slipped by the seedbank and were beautiful males, I thought I removed them in time but the plants were already 4 ft tall.

Now the seeds from the plants, are they F1? F2? Hybrid and are they regs or female seeds?

any help explaining this to be would be much appreciated.

thank you


Now I could be wrong and if so someone will correct me but if they were true males of the same strain they would be F2’s. If they were true males from a different strain than they would be a new cross and F1’s. If they were hermies than I have no idea what you would call them.


So I had 3 purple urkle and 3 strawberry glue and others, the 2 males pollenated every plant so
does that mean the seeds are a cross of purple urkle female / maybe or both pollen from the males crossed back as for the pu goes and same with the sg

All seeds made there will be regs. Question is… if the bank let 2 males slip thru… who’s to say any number of the seeds were a different strain all together. It’s up to someone being able to identify the strain. Main source would be the breeder, or any grow journals available online would help.

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That’s a toss up to what male / she male or totally different strain you ended up getting .

We’re the males full on male or did they have buds as well ?

You can get an occasional male in feminized seeds. It is also possible they sent you regular seeds erroneously, or just sent whatever lol.

What exactly you’d call it, well…can’t say. Is it feminized in the sense of a selfed individual clone or feminized (female plant A x female plant B)?

If it is a male from selfed seed we’d call it S2 but that isn’t necessarily the scientifically correct term. Otherwise a lot of tomatoes would be “S100+” lol. From my limited understanding they don’t seem to differentiate between dioecious (male and female plants) and monoecious (male and female flowers on same plant) and bisexual (male and female on same flower) plants. Cannabis is between dioecious and monoecious.

If it’s female plant A x female plant B and you get a male and make more it would be F2.

What the distribultion of males and females in a “feminized seed male” cross would be is anyone’s guess. I have a few, I’d like to try. If I had to guess they’d skew female but that’s speculation not gospel.


Glad we cleared that up :sweat_smile: my guess is they will be mainly regs with some instability. Could even be a keeper in there. Hand some out and see what pops up eh

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The term your looking for would be…who’s your daddy…simply… because the daddy is unkown…


Lmmfao true that my friend!