When breeding does the male or female or ? genes dominate?

I’ve always bred both ways - Say a male Blue Dream with a female Sour D. and female Blue dream with a male Sour D.and mixed the resulting seeds. But this is going to be my last breeding and I don’t want to have as many plants as before , so if you know of a difference, let me know your take on the subject. Thanks!


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Long chats with the most respected weed breeders in the world Bodhi, subcool, mean gene and Matt Riot (not all respected!) Every episode the host asks the guest what they look for in a male and why. Many breeders also talk about doing crosses with the opposite gender parents both ways.


It honestly just depends on both plants being crossed. Either one could dominate in different ways. That’s why testing your males(breeding each one and growing out the progeny to see what gets passed), is important. But that takes time…


Thanks for the reply. I’m cutting back on growing so I want this last cross to work. It’s been wierd that one Durban pPoison male has bloomed very early and the other is in full bloom when just one D.P. Female is just going to bud formation. Oh well, I’ll just do the best i can and cross fingers for what becomes of it next4 season.


They say male Cannabis has more MB of genetic data to pass


Thanks. It’s what I was thinking.

When I say “they” I mean Mr Toad ,Tony from boneyard seeds.His YouTube channel is 44bigbone44.He has one of the most vast and wide frames of knowledge of cannabis cultivation I have found.He is on the future cannabis project on YouTube a couple times and explains about breeding and genetics and goes into detail on the geno structure of male to female ratio.Kevin Jodrey compares it to poultry breeding where the male is the proof in the pudding as far an the number of genes to pass.As far as dominant sometimes Mother Nature gets to choose that one

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Here’s another hint why don’t that many people outside strainley sell pollen lol.


Theyre different.
If you breed like you said say bd male to sd fem that offspring is not the same as sd male to bd female.
The seeds can lean either way but they are completely different parent sets.
Ive only done one solid breeding but in my case the male seems to be more dominant in the offspring. Even though the different females were selected cuts of mine. The males influence seems to come through more in those offspring.
But thats now always the case. I just must had a real dominant male.
Like said above running the offspring to test and see who they lean to is the only real way to know for sure.


This is why lot of ppl just revesing females now. Its easier to know the females input. You know you got say 4 goid clone strains youre holding. Reverse a clone n hit the rest. Youve already tried said clone and know what she brings to the table. But still offspring can lean either way but at least you know either way it leans its leaning toward something proven.

I agree…Thanks

What is “reversing?”

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Reversing sex with silver is what I think they’re talking about.

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From F to M? I’m not a fan of interfering with genetics with “silver” or stress which is why I only go regular with seeds. I have this paranoid feeling that in a decade or two all seeds will be femmed. So if you want to breed your own, you can’t unless you “reverse?” then in future generations you get hermies or mutants. i go with “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.” 6 starts gets me 1 or 2 M’s and the rest F’s. Works for me.


The silver is supposed to stimulate enough sex change to produce pollen, but the pollen is “female pollen” because the plant was naturally a female. Anything you pollinate with it will be a feminized seed (in theory?). People seem to have good results with it.

Some people will treat half a plant with silver to get pollen, hit the still female half and self the plant for feminized seeds. I’ve never done it if I don’t get a male on my current seedrun I will be.


My limited experience with s1 beans, is phenotypes vary-

A lot…


More so than a straight male to female pollination? That’s a little disheartening to hear.

I agree. Variation happens. But if i pollinate even just 1 young bud, I end up with 10 to 30 seeds. Thinking of variation, i see no way to choose the “right” seed to achieve the results wanted. If I’m breeding, I usually plant 6 seeds of each type to insure I get a male and female making the chance of getting the right phenotypes bred a crap shoot at best. If i was to plant 20 seeds of each and grow them out to where i could clone, grow and test I’d have like 40 plants and maybe 25 - 30 clones to grow out and test - with just one breeding. If i’m doing two breedings plus a few other straight ahead plants, whew!

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