Seed breeding questions

Hey guys, a couple of questions, sorry if they’re stupid but I couldn’t find an answer.
So if you have pollen from a rfeminised everse female and pollinate a regular female, what are the resulting seeds? Regular or feminised?
With the two strains being different does this also play a part in the resulting seeds?
And lastly I’ve read that if you’re using a feminised strain for breeding (whether it’s the pollen donor or recipient creates genetic problems down the line, could someone please explain why to me in the simplest terms so I can understand?
Thanks as always for your help guys! Peace :v:


The resulting seeds will be female.


This is total bull.
Some “strains” are more prone to hermie on you than others. GG4 for example. If it be from a reg or feminised seed will throw balls if you look at it wrong so using it when creating a new hybrid that trait can carry on to the new seeds.


Thanks so much mate I appreciate the help :grinning: I’m taking notes so I can refer back to them & this is great :+1: I sure do love this site! Such a cool bunch of people :sunglasses: thanks brother peace :v:


No worries mate. Glad to help :+1:


I’ve got a question…

I have 3 pre98 bubba feminized plants. I’m going to make femmed pollen from all 3 and pollinate a UFS18 regular plant. The seeds created would be f1, right? Would the seeds show more UFS18 or pre98 traits?..or 50/50? And what happens if I hit those f1(?) seeds with more pre98 fem pollen? Those f2’s will look more pre98? Would any of the UFS18 traits, like massive bud production, be passed on back to the pre98 by f2?

Yes, if the UFS18 don’t share a direct parental link with the selfed bubba.

More pre98 shape and vital constraints if the UFS18 is quite unstable originally, but not specifically traits related to the range and the type of the final product. Anyway, the accuracy of a BX or a selfing process mostly depend on the work already done in advance on the respective lines.

The “50/50” is technically right each time, but only when the pollen grain hit the ovary. And it’s not linked with the expression of traits, just how this plant is copulating ^^

A BX program started on a reversed progeny reference. So the reinforcement can be quite rodeo if the said bubbafem cut is not well tested.

Actually the generational status of the project at this point is quite shitty to note.

You start with the Bubba Fem : if theyr are S1 of a F1 cut, they are F2 seeds.
Then you cross the F2 x F1 outcross, bringing back the heterosis and the F1 status.
Then you BX the new F1 to a F2 S1, as the first generation after heterosis …

Let’s call it a BX1, right ? ^^ No, they will not lead to the pre98, but on the locked S1. The difference look picky, but in practice it’s all the game with specific references.

You will know if it’s worth the ride directly at the first F1. If the yield melt well with the S1, if it’s reduced or even absent … from this point you can extrapolate a kind of progression in both sense : when you’re reinforcing the S1 (how much it lower the F1 yield) or when you’re reinforcing the “yielder” (how much traits of the S1 you lose for the yield).

The yield is generally worked first on the donors line, then the maximum potential is realized afterward in F1 (helped by the heterosis). Building an heavy yield strain afterward doesn’t have much sense. The vegetal mass is not handled like the potency, it use much more vital functions factors.

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Great response! So ultimately, I probably won’t get the pre98 bubba buds with UFS18 yield after breeding?

What about…
Pre98 x usf18 = f1
F1 seed shows bubba traits and I hit it with some femmed pollen from the same big yielding UFS18?

Wish there was a pundit square calculator thing.

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Breeding is vicious buddy, so the answer is less simple that you’re expecting.

At first, you’re already don’t have the bbk98 buds because these S1 are not the cut itself. This statement become less obvious when you think that you can have an intermediary expression of these buds without “having it genetically”. That’s the problem with these fcking fems anyway, witout even talking about the herm epuration when you inbred it. Sorry.

So the real answer to your question is that the output mostly depend on the depth of your knowledge of both lines. At this point you have to know what is the inner dynamic of both in making at least an additionnal generation to see where it’s leading.

If the bbk F2 flowers don’t move, half of the job is done. If the yield of the others decrease but stay over the bbk; its another data that will justify your strategy. It’s not a grand pa recipe in anyway, just a manner to show where it’s really starting.

If pushing so far isn’t at the menu, just binge-watch growlogs of bbk hybrids, specially those that are outcrossed with something similar that the strain you will use. From there you can’t be as demanding than with a breeding program but it make the things possible and rationnal.

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