Impacting Terpenes through custom composting/soil amendments

Has anybody done any experiments with soil where they have composted certain ingredients into it on purpose and once properly integrated, it allowed for certain terpene expression in a plant grown in this soil?

I have had multiple anecdotal experiences where a breeder has remarked about specific inputs leading to certain terpene expressions. It would make sense that terroire would impact the development of the terpenes in established landraces, so wouldn’t it make sense that this idea could apply to any cultivar?

Can anybody chime in on their experience, has anybody conducted any experiments?


Yes, one thing people tend to over look when talking about terroir is the influence that the different Microbes has on epigenetics/expression . Ok so not only do you have What you input but also what kinda of microbes but what byproduct is produced by certain microbes breaking down certain inputs like for instance mash from making wine , also what type of fruit or grain used in the brewing process just like different sugars used there are so many little nuances alot of people overlook, have you tried any yet?


I was watching a talk the other day where the speaker mentioned being at some cannabis cup type of event, and he noted how a group of growers all had really great grape flavors in their weed. Turned out they all used the same bulk compost source which had lots of grape crop residues mixed in. Food for thought :eyes:

it’s maybe a 20 second clip somewhere in these 3 hours :joy:


Seen I got mad love for Kev a wealth of knowledge, ok so I’m bout to start one this spring I was talking to my mom’s cousin cousin’s boyfriend from TX he’s Mexican and he was telling me that back in the 70s and 80s all the RKS was coming out of Mexico that they were killing a bunch of skunks and burying them and growing there pot on top of the skunks I haven’t started the experiment yet but I’m going to:) I was going to keep it to myself till I finished the run but hey I found this thread first lol

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It could be why RKS is so elusive cuz I bet ain’t nobody tried dragging a bunch of dead skunks out the rad and bring them home for some deep composting lol edit road not rad lol


you sure it wasn’t your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate?


Lololol :slight_smile: I know it’s anecdotal and I didn’t say it was fact but it is an experiment I am going to run and if it turns out to be true then from my own recollecting I figure it will keep that terp profile for at least five cycles before it start to wain or at least that’s part of the experiment

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But why not if you can do it with grapes why not ya know

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Have you ever heard of harpin proteins? Edit Effects of Harpin and Flg22 on Growth Enhancement and Pathogen Defense in Cannabis sativa Seedlings - PMC here’s a white paper if you prefer

Harpin, once sold as Messenger, to the flower industry, to pop more buds, on the plants.
The package I bought, did give my plants more bud sites.
It was odd, however, their bulkiness was not with them , as I could not get the weights out of the Harpin harvested plants, that I got with out it’s use. For me those girls were way more floppy. Not really a term of science, LOL.

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idk mine are pretty dense and loud loud I wish I had scratch and sniff pics lol edit I uploaded 5 pics damn well here’s another


Years ago growing in soil I used mushroom compost and bat guano also compost teas made with molasses it did produce great weed and a definite improvement on taste but I can’t say it impacted a certain terpenoids


Harpin proteins is the plants response to chitan and chitan A’s no your right not a specific terps just the terps as a whole if that makes sense


Mushrooms and insect fras are your natural sources of chitan edit I think crab shell too


Make total sense

I remember when I ren out of the amendment the next run you noticed a difference
Something was missing definitely

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Yeah I’ve heard tell of 10-12% terps useing harpin proteins and the moon cycle also can influence terp levels and when cureing he Had terps collecting on lid of jar when he opened his jars it would stretch like honey off the lid , I’ve already tested the moon and it is true or I observed a effect and I’ve also observed a response with the harpin proteins but my timing hasn’t been good enough to test both at once lol but I’m working on it edit when curing the and guys name was Sasquatch from nor cal

The science supports it and I’ve observed it if I have a theory I test it and if I haven’t I will state it and if it’s an experiment I stae it but if I’ve observe it then it’s reality for me I mean that’s what science is idea, theory, experiment, the and conclusion have a nice day I’m not here to do your research for you there are many more white papers on the subject you just got to do your own research cus I ain’t post a bunch of white papers just for your approval:) js

You will find that there is alot of na-sayers out there that being said haters make you famous and they all want to smoke my weed lol so what ever lol just cus they don’t believe it doesn’t make it not so , like the moon for instance the day after the full moon there is a 50% drop in terp level observable influence:) you will never know unless you try :slight_smile: big ag doesn’t know it all and if they do know they ain’t going to tell you I think it’s an insecurity thing lol

could you elaborate more on this? I’m picturing myself standing outside and yelling swear words at my plants in the dead of night but somehow I don’t think that’s quite right :rofl:


Lol my bad mis print my phone always thinks it knows what I’m saying lol ok so the moon in waxing builds /influencees/increases terps and also seed germination so when you plant do it like 4 or 5 days prior to the full moon same for cutting flower give it a try cut a flower before then leave some and cut them the day after the full moon you will observe a difference in loudness if thats a word lol

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