Impacting Terpenes through custom composting/soil amendments

Lol, I’m going for it y’all I’ll know more this time next year hopefully it might take 2 seasons to get a response that is if there is if it’s even possible lol smh


So I been thinking and viruses/microbes tcan change genes I know this happens in people with the mRNA and all so can/does this happen with plants and is that epigenetics or is that something different? And I’m wondering if that’s what happens sometimes idk I was just thinking maybe you knew a little about genetics maybe you could help me out

Epigenetic does not change DNA. DNA is a switchboard, and we’re supposed to celebrate its 90% inactivity, because that’s what sells plastic bottles of stuff.

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I know potheads think plants can only pass Calnit through their roots, but they can pass other stuff:

Plants like swapping spit. But they’ll just kiss their selves if no one is around.

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Seabird guano is tons of phosphorus. Phosphorus makes buds sweet. Potassium makes buds sour. This is a basic day one concept of growing that most pot growers seem to have skipped over. Everyone wants to be a novelty terp wizard these days and can’t grasp simple sugar and acid production… So perfume weed pens with no flavor or effect is what the stores sell now. That’s all it took to change the face of weed, one single generation that didn’t know how to grow but took legal jobs doing it. 2022 and basic hash is considered an “exotic terp”.

#1 reason Led weed sucks. Not enough red light to pull up phosphorus in the shitty prefab scammer dipshit soils/ferts everyone uses. I guess we should all buy new supplemental red lights, since demanding a logical, quality soil mix is a forbidde concept in the pot community. Soil is the last thing we’re supposed to focus on!


Show us a plant or shut up.


Ok well I’m a natural farmer I don’t use npk no chemical fertilizer or pesticides so let me see how to i guess what I was trying to say was genetic potential not so much epigenetics.

Build soil don’t buy soil! It’s got everything you need :slight_smile:



You should make it clear your joking about the “led weed sucks” ordeal. That way newer people to the culture don’t actually believe that. But it did give me a chuckle lol.

Not sure which thread to place this link so figured I’d share here…

For anybody interested in research put out in 2022 suggesting that the microbial communities associated with seeds planted in soil originate primarily from the mother plant rather than from their soil environment:

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Interesting thread, I need to read more of the scientific research on this. The best tasting cannabis plant I’ve ever smoked was an Afghani #1 plant grown in the shade of a small tree on a hillside in a chaparral river canyon and I believe it had everything to do with the mineral /silt content of the soil but also the decomposed highly aromatic containing organic materials from the chaparral ecosystem. It had a complexity to the aroma which made me realize cannabis terroir could really matter.

I haven’t come close to it but I have been adding various fresh and dried aromatic herbs to my living soil blend and letting it undergo decomposition by the worms and bugs and microbes in there. A lot of basil biomass, dried eucalyptus, pine needles, organic citrus peel, among many others. I had some left over myrrh powder this year I threw in there too. I also am mulching the cannabis plants in the living soil bed heavily with basil flowers from my various basil plants once they initiate flowering. I can’t say what’s doing it because I’ve changed a lot this year but I am noticing that the terpene intensity/complexity has improved over last year.

Its funny you mention the soil meant to help express the frankincense pheno. I had a similar out there idea earlier this year of cooking a very small batch of experimental soil for growing out a very aromatic landrace hash strain:

1 part cannabis kief
1 part frankincense powder
1 part myrrh powder
1 part dolomite lime / gypsum blend
1 part sifted high quality compost
1 part sand
1 part pumice


Was reading this yesterday up to post 25. Today this was in the street:

Around the corner from an obvious commercial grow. If they only knew. Haha


Revisiting this topic after a discussion with @Rhai88. When discussing personalities and traits, scientists, philosophers etc talk about Nature vs Nurture.

We were talking about Maui Wowie and the sort of universal love for the old strain, even for those who don’t like or don’t prefer Sativa dominant strains. I was lucky to have smoked a fair amount in the 80’s and always loved it.

One thing that strikes me a unique to Maui is the dirt, and I wonder how much of what we enjoy is a result of the HEAVY iron content in the island soils…?