Impacting Terpenes through custom composting/soil amendments

check this out

heres the full article if you wish to read further,side%20for%20so%20many%20years.

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See , thereā€™s alot more to it Iā€™m telling I think we are on to something:) Iā€™ll know more this time next year for sure :slight_smile: lol edit Iā€™m telling ya lol I get excited and I forget to type whole words lol


yeah for sure, thereā€™s way more than meets the eye when it comes to this.

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Fascinating! One breeder I met previously swore by Strawberry propel drink as the secret supplement to influence his subsequent punta roja generations to express greater Strawberry flavor. He claimed it was related to the bioflavinoids interaction. Iā€™m skeptical it was actually that strain as Iā€™ve never heard of punta roja or punto rojo carrying that flavor characteristic.

Edit: Apparently his father had some peer reviewed research, will try to track down some of the info


See and that ties back to earlier in the conversation about the RKS I think weā€™re on to something here it makes sense the time line is right for the occurrence of happens lol with the bat guanos and the sweet fruity skunkā€¦ k itā€™s done Iā€™m doing it Iā€™ll take one for the team lol Iā€™ll fkn block traffic just to scoop a dead skunk out the road bring it home lol edit happenings


If anyone finds a place to get fresh cow horn from a lactating cow ? You let me know lol edit I know it sounds crazy but itā€™s how one harnesses the cosmic forces :slight_smile: lol like I said I know it sounds crazy but there is a measurable / observable reaction lol 160 different cannabinoids and we still havenā€™t reached genetic potential (the community as a whole) like that black pepper terp where that come from Iā€™ve been growing that cultivar for like 5 years maybe genetic potential, maybe epigenetics if Iā€™m even using the term right, idk maybe just the chitin just brought it out I like the revegg trick itā€™s like watch all that in real time lol I think anyways lol


It makes total sense I was told back like 2001/2ish that in order to get true blueberry herb that you feed worms blueberries then put the worm castings on the plant thatā€™s just some more anecdotal evidence

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Now I now why Clackamas Coots is tired of answering questions. :joy:

Worm shit
Get it

:zzz: :sleeping_bed:



I remember one time along time ago I grew a very small plant this was when I was learning and didnā€™t know what I know now. I used seabird guano and it made the weed taste like straight sugar, literally like a sugar cube. The most flavor Iā€™ve ever had, I was actually thinking of trying it again. What Iā€™m afraid of is making my sour strains taste like sugar. Well I will find out soon enough if it was the guano or the strain that had the sugar cube terpene?

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Interesting, do you recall the strain you grew that had the sweet terpenes? I used seabird guano as the only nutrient additive on some super long flowering filipino landrace(sampled at different times) this last season and did not detect a discernable difference in flavor after application. I used less than half the recommended dose every 4 days for approx~ 30-40 days.

Do you remember what quantity you utilized and under what frequency?

EDIT: Not all seabirds and bats are created equal in the sense that their sub species, point of origin and diet may be different enough to impact the nutrient content. For example, fruit bat guano may have phosphorous VS others that may contain both nitrogen and phosphorous.

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Iā€™m not totally sure but I think it was shishkaberry! Iā€™m glad you said it didnā€™t change the taste of that landrace you hade makes me wanna do try guano again. Go back to the old school way of growing, back to the roots when it all started.


Those are some good papers I was just going through them bout 2 deep and i was thinking aboutthe rhizophagey process and I remember about soy bean mill when itā€™s broken down into aminos it forms certain aminos that aid in or just chelate iron , phos, and aids in certain enzyme and hormone production I canā€™t remember it all but ya cool sht man

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The only thing thatā€™s ever impacted my outdoor crop. Are companion plants. Lots of diverse microbes and soil insect populations.

Much more resin. Much larger flower. Longer flowering period. And much much much more terpenes.

Iv grown plants under full sun. Half sun. Under trees in shade. In a sun screened box. And containers light deprived. I have a ton of this years pics in case Iā€™m being questioned.

Idk about this moon stuff. Iv harvested at all times of the year. Before after and during full moons. Preferably during full moons. I do not harvest during sun lighted hours and wait for the temp drop peak of the night. And the biggest difference in quality of flower was mainly genetics and great phenos. The moon. Prolly had some effect. But your brain will believe what it wants to when there minimal difference. I have 15 years of outdoors under my belt. And I feel safe enough to say. I personally wouldn focus on the moon as much as focusing on great genetics. But the goal here is to have great flower/medicine for YOURSELF. Anyone to tell you otherwise is just a jerk. Point to the obvious. Feed the dirt. Feed the bugs/microbes.


Yes I concur, maximum biodiversity is by far more important than anything thatā€™s my main objective and I only say itā€™s more important than genetics because Iā€™ve grown out Reggie seeds aka dirt weed and with living soil produces loud it has a way of activating genetics that you wouldnā€™t otherwise know it was there but have quality genetics and maximum biodiversity in the soil and itā€™s just phenomenal itā€™s hard to express in words :slight_smile: but Iā€™m wondering how well they did in low light conditions? @McKushin


My best tasting plant was white wedding rbx in minimal light. Here is full sun all day vs just 4 hrs if that. Rest is shade. 1st and 4th are shaded. Both clones of same mom


How was yeild ? Big difference? Or pretty close? If you donā€™t mind @mckushin reason I ask is Iā€™m thinking about running like 6 different micro climates this coming season and accomplish 6 separate open pollinations . Thatā€™s valuable information right there thank you

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@MantisTobogganMD Thank you for sharing those links, super interesting. Definitely going to digest those.

How many subsequent attempts did you see or read about with people failing to recreate these results (and do you know how long they permitted for integration during compost of said inputs)? Do you recall any of the particular breeders that attempted to repeat these results?

Yield was a massive difference. Like 2 lbs difference. But so was quality. Idk if my dirt was better in ground in the shaded cage. But the flower took 2 weeks longer and was 2 times danker. However both were of great quality. Just the shaded one has more terpenes by a long shot.

And the shaded plant believe it or not. Had no larf


The more shade you have on the soil, the more activity you get in the top layer, which is where most of the magic happens.

Low, ground covering companion plants are excellent, grow zucchini, pumpkins, cerastium, coriander, clover and marigolds right alongside your cannabis to facilitate that and make your garden more productive and more beautiful and to attract more beneficial insects.

Instead of wasting time, effort, resources, energy to get rid of unwanted insects, invite legions of the ones that eat them. But you canā€™t and donā€™t need to get rid of all of them, all thatā€™s necessary is balance. And balance is what creates abundance, and when you have abundance then who cares about a little loss?

All you gotta do is sow more seeds.

Let them work for you, they want to.

This is what gives everything more flavor, more terpenes, more joy.

The longer you can observe without judgement the more you will see that everything works together in existence even if it doesnā€™t apparently seem so.

Every disaster that I can possibly think of has had positive impact as well.
Every time it awakens tremendous compassion, and it reminds us to be grateful for all that we have, even if it seems like little. It can all disappear in the wink of an eye.

So please, throw some more different seeds around.
Diversity is our biggest treasure.

It also in turn activates a wider diversity of beneficial / mycorrhizal fungi which in turn helps the soil hold more water, feeds bacteria, helping decomposition, and creates CO2 right at the feet of the plants which again feeds them.

Shading soil is absolutely essential.
And all you gotta do is select the species of plants and throw the seeds down.
Prune, chop and drop at will.

Harvest only half of everything and your soil and yields will improve and increase so fast, year after year, itā€™ll make your head spin.

Harvesting only half of everything means the rest keeps ripening creating seeds genetically adapting to your specific location, making the new generations stronger.

Harvesting only half of everything saves enormous amounts of money, long term, because no machines are needed, no seeds need to be purchased or collected, no soil needs tilling.

It all keeps going and all we need to do is sow abundantly and diverse once, then harvest half of what we get, thatā€™s it. Nature doesnā€™t need automation, it is the automation.

It couldnā€™t be easier.


Wow beautiful words @rogue for real thank you