So, as all of us who do hydroponics know, ebb and flow tables are just ridiculously expensive.
BUT!, There is an alternative that works perfectly and I’d ridiculously inexpensive.
Lowes has black plastic concrete mixing trays that are perfect!
Just get the bag of ebb&flo fittings and a couple feet of tubing from your local garden shop and you’re on your way
Ok, so as I’m always mad at the prices of hydroponic system parts I started thinking outside the box, or outside the hydro store if you will, for an ebb and flow system.
As we all know, a decent ebb and flow setup will cost you hundreds of dollars.
BUT, Lowes sells a concrete mixing tray that works perfectly by just installing your normal ebb and flow fittings and mounting on top of a 30gal storage tub.
So, there it is in all it’s $60 glory, which includes the pump, hose and fittings…
It works just as good as the 400 dollar one I used to have…
It fills while the timer is on, and drains when the timer is off, lol