Infestation Last Weeks of Flower

Been managing what seems to be a spider mite infestation for 2 weeks. Decided to post the out come of this disaster with a possible 3 weeks remaining. Arsenal will be nuke em, pure crop 1 and a fogger.


Welcome back @Tmac grabbing some Cheetos and a gas mask, to watch the show. Nuke them bugs!


May I suggest effective and can be used up to day of harvest!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I remember bombing rooms back in the day. Be safe. Good luck.


If possible… take them outside and spray them down with water to boot. It is a major pain in the ass but drown them. I have had to do this before…,


Interesting! I have a single pouch of the 217 around somewhere. Just did not think it would be good around the buds.

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Wouldn’t plain water cause bud rot or some sort of serious stuff ?

Second round of the nuke 7 days apart. Mites were back strong! No serious webbing which was a good thing. You could see them with the naked eye. So they are probably in full effect.

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Nope… dry them with a fan. THC is not soluble in H20. Dont hit it with a fireman spray but drown them little web making bitches…

I wash my harvest right after it is cut. You should try it… dunk it in the bathtub. Much better product if you wash it.


Strolling through pure crop 1 website they say pure crop can be sprayed everyday during flower with no negative effects. We’ll see how every other day work out after this second round of nuke em as a knock down.

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Will definitely give that a try! At this point don’t have much to lose haha.!

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I got an infestation in the last 3 weeks. I tried drowning them and ended up having to vacuum the plants multiple times a day. I should have just chopped early.

It got to the point I blasted raid into my tent and tossed the plants


What did you drown them in?

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I washed em in the shower and dunked them in a bucket lol they were small plants so easy to do. It didn’t help they came back with a vengance


If you are 3 weeks from harvest I’d suggest you ride it out until your nerves can’t handle it anymore. Chop a week early, not the end of the world.

I don’t wash my plants after harvest but if I were in your position I would seriously consider it.

Best of luck.

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While using the loop there was about two mites per branch. Not bad but more work needed to be done. This is no walk in the park. To make things easier decided to remove all lower leaves. Best decision ever made. Next round training will be applied for ease of pest management. Modified mainline and lollipop/defoliation.

Going to be more aggressive with the foliar. Yesterday was pure crop 1 fog. Every other day from here on will be a foliar. Nuke em and pure crop alternate.

Chopped and curing! I’d say this was well worth it! I decided to wash them with the nuke em as well. Came out great. No stragglers that I can tell. I will be grabbing more nuke em because it seem to be the back bone. Pure crop 1 needed consecutive sprays to be effective. I just don’t have the time. It seems really effective for soil applications and a vigor boost. Which is worth something. I just don’t need much of it.