Intersex male? Pics inside

If you can test f3s, that would be the smartest path I think.

It’s all about gene recombination. I’ve read that sour diesel was a tough one to self due to it showing lots of those pistillate males… here

From Tom
Actually and perhaps ironically, the quickest way out of the situation is through (forced) selfings coupled with progeny testing.

In post #18 Charlie tells of Wesos encountering populations of “mostly males” via selfing. Sour D and others have shown this as well. These are not males, but a situation where male modifiers have recombined in such a way that they are heavily expressed in the population. The way out is to keep looking, and find a parental plant/s in the population that do not bring this result so commonly upon selfing, exactly as Charlie has done.

If you want to read more, these 2 threads are my go to

Fascinating stuff
Ps be careful, before long you could be actually breeding plants :laughing: