Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 3)

Heyo! I am 30 years old and for work I am a buyer in the retail cannabis industry. I love working with cannabis and love growing it even more! My other interests are playing music, sports, and being a Dad. I am happy to be on OG! From the threads I have gone through, this seems like an awesome community without the drama, disrespect, and ego that a lot of other forums contain. I love the positivity and willingness to share knowledge here. I truly value my relationship with cannabis and it is good to see a community of people who think the same way.

I have been growing organically for about 5 years and each year I get a little better than the last. I love learning about nature and trying to replicate it in my grows. I have never been more passionate or interested in anything in my life. I believe the spirit of cannabis is intertwined with the spirit of human beings. It truly is an incredible plant on so many levels.

I am a registered caretaker for my mom who has been a medical patient since she was diagnosed with Glioblastoma 1.5 years ago. I legally grow for her and make full spectrum RSO with my lowers and trim that really help her. It is one of the most rewarding things I have done in my life to be part of my moms care team and help her fight cancer. This plant has given me the power to help someone I love and I will forever be grateful for that.

I have a 4x4 tent in my garage with 2 MH SP3000’s where I am currently growing 3 Doom Berries from Sin City Seeds in 15 gallon fabric pots. They are about a month old and looking very healthy.

I also have a 3x3 tent in the garage with a MH TSW2000 where I am growing 4 Strawberry Milk and Qookies Remix from Nightowl in 2 Earthboxes. They are about 3 weeks old and all but 1 are growing at a good rate.

I also currently have an outdoor grow going on my back deck where I have a variety of plants at different stages. There are photo fems, photo regs, and auto fems in pots ranging from 2 gallons up to 10 gallons. Some were planted at the beginning of May and some in June.

My soil mixture is 1 part FFHF, 1 part local compost, and 1 part pumice. I then amend with a little buildasoil craft blend and that is it! I like to keep it as simple and cost effective as possible.
I top my soil with compost, then cover crop seed, then straw mulch.

I have incredible water up here in the PNW. I aerate it for 24 hours with a pump and airstones. I use BAS Quillaja extract as a wetting agent and always a little freeze dried coconut water and cycle through Recharge, Rootwise Mycrobe Complete, and EM-1 about 1-2 times a week.

I top dress with compost and craft blend every 4 weeks. In the Earthboxes I like to really pile on and mound the compost under the plastic mulch cover.

I will post some pictures and better descriptions of my grows in the future.

I am so happy to be here! :v: