Introducing Regular Emeritus

Why did you lower the browsing requirements without also increasing the site engagement requirements? The site and attainment of its tiers should be setup in a way that encourages site engagement, not just page views. People need to be posting a lot more frequently and a lot more content (words, pics, questions) to be considered regulars, in my opinion.

EDIT: I see you also said this in a later post. Would you please elaborate on these new requirements?

For promotion to regular (besides reading requirement that was lowered) you now also need during last 100 days to post in more topics, get more likes for your posts and also to like otherā€™s posts than before.


Me too and Iā€™ve been around forums enough to get to know the regulars that know their stuff.

It just seems like enforced attendance to attain a rating that will or will not allow you to participate in various aspects of the forum. Every other place just goes by your length of membership, posts and badges, likes etc to be a regular and if you donā€™t show up for 5 years you have the same level.

It all seems a little less liberal and more authoritarian than a pot forum professing freedoms should be to me.



I joined up just because I was interested in an auction. While in the auction I actually discovered the community that was here. If people want to participate in auction on their first day I think it should be permitted, assuming of course their bid and interest is legitimate.


@LemonadeJoe does this mean Iā€™m destined to be a member forever? Iā€™ve been away a while cos life but Iā€™ve been back and trying to regain my credentials. First autistic thought is ā€œstop trying if it ainā€™t worth itā€ but thatā€™s not how I should be thinking :thinking:


No, hit the requirements for TL3 again and you will get the Regular Emeritus badge.



Looks like you are back to Regular, congrats.


I am indeed back to regular. Thankyou guys :green_heart:

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Thanks for all your work on the site @LemonadeJoe I appreciate all you do for us, as for the auctions I think @DougDawson has a good idea, I for one would like to see more of them as itā€™s a fantastic opportunity for alot of us to gain some quality genetics whilst raising money for OGā€™s operating costs. Would perhaps holding different level auctions be an answer? A free for all type scenario and then restricted engagement auctions for tl2 and above? Itā€™s just a thought that could perhaps solve a couple of issues some have.such as offering the special held strains for the tl2 auctions and then again a free for all genetics wise for the open auctions with no restrictions. I hope I explained that ok but just an idea. Peace everyone :v:


Iā€™ll think Iā€™ll just try and stick to lvl2. The lvl3 spots on runs fill up faster on most of the preservation runs. Lol

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