IR light helps your plants go to sleep?

So I was watching the Mr. Grow It pod cast and this guy Dan from The Green Sunshine Company stated that after the lights turn off on a grow and you use IR light it will put your plants asleep faster. Now I dont know how long exactly you are supposed to use the IR light for but I would imagine not very long. Has anyone heard or practiced this. If so what are the benefits? Faster flower time maybe?

someone was talking about this for tarp less

depos, but they never really explained it

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What’s tarp less depos?

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they will pull a tarp to darken a greenhouse (cover) so they can flower

in the summer

the big players do it with automation the small guys do it by hand

if you did not have to pull tarps it makes it easier

all the best



A manual form of Light Deprivation, I suspect…SS/BW…mister :honeybee:


If you haven’t watched anything from this man, I would suggest a listen while you garden lots of interesting stuff about the different spectrums of light


So I use this:

You run it for 15 minutes at the end of your light cycle. Its supposed to stop metabolic processes that would normally take 2 hours to turn off. Basically making your plant react as if it had an extra 2 hours of darkness. I’ve heard of people using these and flowering in 14/10 cycles, but I haven’t tried it yet myself.


Check out this video on it


Wow. Thanks alot guys. This is really interesting. I’m going to have to get a puck. I tried looking it up but I was searching IR puck and couldn’t find anything. I guess I was looking up the wrong stuff. I’ll definitely be back with some results. After my next grow.


The scientific term is called the emerson effect.


I’ve been considering picking up this same puck. Has it made a noticable impact?

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Give a plant that needs a short day one hour of darkness

at the middle of their day

and it will flower as if it is a long night short day

works the other way also give them one hour light in the middle of their

night and they think it is a long day

they stay out of flower

all the best



What? I’ve got my lights on 18/6 BUT broken into 2 segments (cost savings) So light is on 7am to 7pm. Then back on 11am to 4pm. Are you saying the plants will think its time to flower under this condition? I hope not lol


back in the day I worked for a commercial grower

doing flowers for florist trade

we had a glass greenhouse ( back than they all were all glass)

it was about a quarter of the size of our others

inside we had a curtain system to black out the house

and lights to light it

so we would darken house for about an hour at noon or light lights

at midnight

when you are in the flower business you need flowers

a side note when I first started in the industry I worked for a grower

who did poinsettias by the train load

we were outside of town and started having a problem with people breaking in and stuff

so they put up security lights on the end of 4 of the houses

that fall the plants at the light end of the house did not flower for Christmas

than someone was Duh? the lights running all night

all the best



But knowing how cannabis likes to hermie if there’s a light leak… wouldn’t that increase the likelihood?


if that is to me in a greenhouse it does not matter

they do not have light leaks

but how ez is it to stress a cannabis plant with light?

I have had one hermie in 20 years and it was genetics

keep breeding with and to all that feminized stuff and see how the

hermie thing plays out over time

my vision of the industrial THC weed grower for the pack of

joints market that will come in time

they will be doing 2 - 3 crops a year all feminized and all autos

planted just like any other commercial row crop

of course hopeful we still will have the boutique type bud

grown by that type of grower

and with any luck that will not look at us all like illegal distrillers

that is why I have been trying to grab some of the old stuff

and make beans with regulars to put away for a rain day

all the best



Hey @dequilo are you saying adding an hour of lights out in the middle of your day while flower should give you the same result as you would with the initator puck?

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nope just telling you what was done with darkening and lighting

plants in greenhouse when I started working in the flower trade for

a commercial grower

I believe all the puck does is burn up the enzyme that keeps

the plant from flowering

what I was talking about is a low tech version of the same


that is why I have always give my plants 36 hour of darkness

at the start of the flower cycle

in the dark the red enzyme is depleted and they sets flowers

go to 12/12 it happens over a longer period of time

the puck from what I have read does that thru IR light

so what would take 12 hours to deplete has a kick start of

2 hours

all the best



if you do one hour of dark at mid day short day plants will flower

if you do one hour of light at mid night your long day plants will flowers

clear as mud eh? :wink:


The puck is no good for our use huh? The video @anon93244739 posted saying far red only promotes flowering in long day plants (Plants that flowering during long days).

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a good read

it is great if you can use it to deplete the enzyme that keeps the plant out of flower

they say you can flower a plant using it under 14/10

which if it is how it work would be good for some growers

all the best
