Quick "1hr early" light question

Ok its day 45 of flower. Your plants need to be watered, you gotta go & it’s 9am.

Lights on isn’t till 10am…

You can’t navigate the tent & water in complete darkness.

What’s the move? 1hr early bedroom light going to hurt anything?


Get a green LED light; done. :+1:

edit: I mean for the future.


So minus that (I will in future) whats the move, attempt stumbling in complete darkness? @Pigeonman



If I had no choice I’d use my phone’s “flashlight” aimed against a wall around the door from the tent so I have a very-dim, subdued light emitting and allow my eyes to adjust before stumbling.



I don’t think doing it one time would hurt anything but it probably depends on the genetics. Like @Pigeonman says, I would use as little light as possible like a phone light.


Ok thanks yall… Wow so it’s “that” important even 45 days into flower & just 1hour early? Holy $&*!t

We got some finicky plants!

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I treat em like when Im in a photographic darkroom. Some stocks are forgiving, some are not… best then to be safe and you’re generally gonna be okay. :+1:


This reminds me of seeing Subcool use a green head lamp type thing on some episodes of the weednerd show.


@Weednerd.Anthony , I picked up a few strings of green LED lights on sale from xmas with a couple of “standard” fixture led bulbs and now never turn on my basement’s real lights anymore :rofl: :green_heart: .


I had my friend turn the overhead lights in my flower room on for a minute at week 6 or so; not the grow lights, just standard 10W LEDs that were already there before. Nothing hermed. It’s not a guarantee, just best practices to keep them away from any light leaks. Fairly sure I was growing a GG4 RIL at the time too…

So yeah, IMO try your best to keep the light away from them but don’t give yourself a heart attack or hurt youself trying to maneuver in the dark. Outdoor growers do fine with moonlight, so as long as you’re not shining the lights directly on the plants I think they’ll be ok.


@Cormoran thanks bud! Im gonna try close to dark as i can.

@Weednerd.Anthony Anywhere specific i can find weednerd episodes? I try to watch everything & that’s one show I haven’t seen yet :+1:


@Gonzo YouTube has all the episodes still up Subcool’s old channel is subcool420 unless I’m mistaken.

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I do what I have to do, within reason/around light on/off and if the plants act up they get the boot.

So far very few gave me trouble… and those that did probably would have anyway.


there’s a slight caveat to that:

green light is definitely the best color to use, but it may not be as safe as you think. Conversely, green light may not be as useless for growing as we think :thinking:


I was just watching this last week. Has me questioning the green lights on my automated equipment tbch

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I would just use minimal light or a weak flashlight aimed at the pots. A small bit of light for a couple minutes one time is not likely to hurt anything.


I’m pretty cavalier with watering during lights off, and haven’t been bitten in the ass yet haha. Light stress is a thing, but irregular watering is a stress too, so you gotta find the balance. As others have said, green lights are the standard for working during the dark period. But if it is a one off, not an everyday thing, grab a flashlight or a low watt desk lamp or something and water those ladies. :+1:


This all really depends on what you are growing.
Some cultivars throw bananas real easy others not so much.

If I knew the cultivar was not really prone to intersex issues I would turn the light on 1 hour early with no worries.

The green light thing has been proven to be a myth.
Plants do use green light.

It is really about intensity and duration.
Keep the intensity down and the duration short and you should usually have no issues.
Again this depends on the cultivar and its stability.
If I knew the cultivar was stable I would just flip the lights on if it was only an hour early.
I would not advise this action in the middle of the dark cycle, so in the middle of the dark cycle use low light for as short as possible.
Try not to point the light directly at the plants, keep it toward the wall if possible.

This has not been an issue for me ever, but if your cultivar is unstable it could give you issues, even red lights don’t seem to effect much.
I can not say this enough times.
If your cultivar is unstable you could get issues with even very low amounts of light leaks.


I just came across this the first time.bin not 100% it was my green lights on my automation equipment but given everything I’ve looked over , checked and double checked, then checked again I’m thinking this may be what caused the issue on one single plant which just happened to be right up agains the equipment. I think it has to do with a finicky cultivar, coupled with green light exposure. No way of knowing 100% without reevaluating but best believe I’m keeping a real close eye on this from here on out.

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Ditto. Like bruce said in the video I linked, although chlorophyll reflects a lot of green light, it still absorbs some. This actually make green light very effective at penetrating through dense foliage compared to red and blue light

Double ditto. According to bruce in the same video, research has shown cannabis to be about the second most light sensitive photoperiod we know of. Very small amounts of light can trigger it. He gave a pretty useful rule of thumb though: if you can read a large print childrens book in the amount of light the plants are getting, cannabis will get triggered by it. I don’t know if that applies to the most sensitive cultivars we can find but it’s what research so far has suggested