Is it just me, or does this happen to anyone else?

Still getting used to the functionality of the site but I’m noticing more and more I’m getting in a sort of loop cycle when I see a notification and click on it, and it brings me to a post I’ve made. Sometimes when I think I’m replying with a fresh posts, it actually ends up editing a previous post of mine and placing the new comment there. Essentially erasing the old one and making things quite confusing for me and I’m guessing anyone reading and following along too.

Am I just a goofball and need to figure out how to navigate the site better, or does this happen to anyone else regularly?

It only happens when I click on a notification and it brings me to that thread. When I’m just browsing regularly it doesn’t happen. If anyone has any tips or tricks to navigate that better I’m all ears. Much love


Thank you for replying, I thought I was going crazy. Sorry to hear it’s frustrating at times for you too, but in the same breath it’s comforting to know I’m not alone. We’ll sort it out! I have a feeling someone may know something about the settings that we don’t and can possibly help? Hoping so! Much love

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Hope this.helps.


I just look at the list of unread stuff. And yes I’ve been lost a couple times on this site.