Is that CalMag excess?

Hello guys, everybody has being well ?

I think I have a throble in my hands… and the last week I falled in work and my time is completely scarce… I would like to be more active here… :frowning:

One of my plants, with almos 40 days of flowering is looking like some excess of cal and mag and I feeling the growth has stopped a days ago… the buds dont getting fat…

in the same LPA system I have one younger plant of the same strain but only with 15 days of flowering… and its looking with some cal or mag deficiency…

I will separate the both… will leave one on aero e one on DWC… .to control better the nutrients on water for each one.

What I should do to that plant with excess become to growth again ? Lower ppm for while until it get the normal coloration ?

I’m following this image to get some direction…

here in comparison with the younger one, we can see the coloration diff.

i’m using rain water, my ph is rounding 6.15 ~ 6.25 and ppm is on 1400 ( yesterday I down it to 1100 while I cant make the move to DWC) using floraseries + calimagic + diamond nectar + flora liquid kool bloom

Thanks everyone and hope you guys have a blessed day


If it is only slowed growth, then I don’t see anything to worry about. They will go through different phases, sometimes growing extremely fast (like the “stretch” in early flowering) and then slowing down. That plant doesn’t look bad to me unless I am missing something.
As long as it looks ok, no drooping or yellowing/browning excessively, then just be patient and don’t make any drastic"corrections" or big changes. Do a little change, be patient and see how it responds. Some yellowing is common as they get close to harvest too.

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Kinda looks like it’s revegging or has nitrogen toxicity. If it was too much calmag you’d get nutrient lockout, and the plant would start taking the nutrients from it’s leaves, which in turn causes them to turn yellow and purpleish because the roots are not taking in and replacing those macros and micros from the soil. Currently dealing with lockout right now myself because my well water has too much damn calcium.


Some better resolution pictures:


Yes they look on the verge of overfed and your slight lowering of the PPM I think is a good move.


In consideration of all your guys did reply, I will change my water… and leave the PPM on 1100 with a brand new solution… I did collected rain water yesterday and still bought a cistern to no more water scarce… sometimes I need to recur to bottle water because my faucet water isnt apropriate.

Lets see the next days !! Thanks everyone :heart: :brazil: :man_farmer:


I see the start of a K deficiency. Yellow tips curled upwards and the edges of the leaf blades starting to yellow or brown.

I might also add that a K deficiency can be caused by an excess of Ca.