Is there a chemical engineer in the house?

You should be able to find Plant Prod Micros easily in the EU now or soon since a majority stake in the company was acquired last year by a Belgian company, BioBest/Floridienne

But they do already have a lot of international distributors around the world:


I’m always changing and tinkering with things so I’d take this with a grain of salts :stuck_out_tongue:

grow clean 2.4 (grams per gallon)
yara calcium nitrate 3.2
mg sulfate 4.3
potassium sulfate 1.8
calcium chloride 0.5
micros (plant prod) 0.125

The calcium chloride is used to raise the ppm of Ca without adding N. There’s only so much you can put but cannabis is surprisingly tolerant.

Thanks to ramsay and josh from jr croptech for making a badass fertilizer my cheap ass can try and reverse engineer (I’m in Canada I can’t buy the stuff)


What’s grow clean? Can you pls send a link?:pray:t3:

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It’s a polyphosphate fertilizer that you can use for P and K in place of or in combination with MKP. It has some N in it though so have to take that into account too.

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Not in my country…:sob:
Im in Asia tho…

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Shit man…the struggles to grow decent weed i tell u!
U guys in US Canada and even EU are having a good time…i wish i could get my ass there and grow for real in peace!

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I’m a big fan of grow clean. And somehow with current prices it is cheaper than mkp


I use almost 1g/gal with tomatoes, but they are very tolerant as well. You can use a surprisingly high amount of CaCl2 with both plants. Cl- has a pretty low sufficiency limit, so it isn’t that useful, but the other anions are usually way above the sufficiency limit anyway… like sulfur is mostly wasted as well.


Yeah same for up here in Canada. I had to drive 2 hours one way to find a plant prod store that sells 50lb bags of salts. They ended up having grow clean (as well as MKP) but the grow clean was even cheaper which surprised me. Finding a store that sells bulk salts near me has been a major headache I’m glad I finally found this store. I go to it once a year to restock on some stuff.

I’ll have to try with my garden tomatoes this year I’ve never used cacl with them yet. But I know they use it in the tomato industry with awesome results. Shit is cheap AF too.


:evergreen_tree: :wink: :alembic: :test_tube: :smoking:


The rest of the micros EDTA?

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Yeah edta for the rest is good. Except molybdenum and boron, there’s a different form available for those.

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Sodium molybdate and boric acid?

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You got it! You could also choose borax.


I just realized left-hander’s flush & wipe with the same hand, thereby spreading contagion. It’s all their fault.

And they’re witches.



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Hello everyone, if you are interested in the creation of Bio Fertilizers and organic cultivation techniques you can visit this compilation that I have published at: Custom Breeder & Strain HBO grow journal by deFharo - GrowDiaries

And you can also see how my crops grow with my fertilizers and organic techniques: deFharo profile: grow journals - GrowDiaries

For interested people I am 100% available to clear doubts and help.

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It’s true. Especially the witches part. We also don’t wash our hands and touch every door handle and elevator button possible.


u probably know who I am. u can ask any questions here about my formula.

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